I Was The Cud But Then I Was Revived

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I was the cud

spit out



worn out

and digested.

That's what she did to me.

I was the pride




cared for

and dressed in flames of decency.

That's what he did to me.

I went from being a cud to the dessert of one's eye

an apple; a rather shiny one

a sparkling diamond; perhaps the heart of the ocean

a treasure; one that my disciples would cherish....

The sad truth is... I counted my days

and I've slept through my nights

hoping that one day Lord almighty can take me into his loving arms

as he says, "it's time for you to better be with me."

I would dress in black, but breathe in white

I would find my way, but stay within the night

I would shelter my love, but will always remember to be right....

I am too young, they say

for such thoughts and a tongue so long  

it is better off cut!

But for a girl my age

I sure have a say of adding too many digits to my age

haven't you heard of a heartbeat?

I have more than you do

apparently because my vision slacks

but my heart still aches and forces its way through

I was the cud to her

but I was the apple to Him

and she was the cud to me

but He was my life.

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