No heart can be happy
It can't even excite and blare in jubilation
You live in an elegy
With a haunting omen
And one life afterwards
I'd have to decide myself on top of this stack of disbelief
They say your heart is an article of steel
And they also claim that your secrets overflow a bucket of tilting water
If that is something that you cannot confess
I won't give any of my secrets away
This time
I'd have to find the perfect line
To straighten my spine
To love again
Or rather just have sweet dreams all over again
Maybe just one more time..
One more vast sleep
Another proof of peace that can occur to one's life
It's different for me
Because I know that one day
Just one day
Perhaps today is that day in three hundred and sixty five days
Of no being of shallow
I'd just ride the sky in my sweet, sweet dreams..
That I'd die a happy heart.
Mellifluous Murmurs
Poetry❁ Freedom is allowing the crisp air to guide you through this forest we can call society. ❁