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A curve defines its shaping

it interprets a beauty.

Shivers work down its lane

for it has shown its purity.

It has grown its image

because it establishes such an outlining of a silhouette.

When was the last time I saw a vision?

It wasn't what I determined for but it seemed to be a trace aback.

Sheltering is bound to become an intention to voice

being precious seems to squeeze the pain and configure its backlash.

Recoil your doubts 

and love your little marks and cuts.

Quit the immoral vengeance 

and build your own house.

Whether its by say, idea, or being pursued as a serious thought

you may not easily feel at ease

or accept failure as a trait 

or yet find anothe excuse.

Corners, edges, or roundednes...

it buils a form;

it recreates a mentality;

it refurbishes one's mind. 

Love your silhouette

Your outline

Your graphs,

Just love it all.

It's your silhouette that follows you

not your demons.

Love yourself for who you are


what others

want you to be.

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