There's a plot line
to every story
or maybe
a context
within a piece of writing.
are the plot line
in your story
but then
your story becomes too minimal
since there's an outer periphery;
a book..
So you
become the story
in your book.
Your pupils, they dilate!
And the book becomes a volume
and this shows you, that life,
even when it comes unannounced
or uninvited,
is your show.
Your headline.
You become
the philosophy
in your analysis
You become
the subject
of your study!
You become
what you
only if you
that you are
who you are.
This may
be all
about you
but when you
sit with yourself
and inhale
your aroma,
you are absorbing your warmth.
Be still.
I know that fearlessness
on the patch
that sits on your shoulder.
But fear not,
Don't you allow
it to steer your ship,
you'll grant yourself a burden.
The same burden
that you think
you are.
Mellifluous Murmurs
Poetry❁ Freedom is allowing the crisp air to guide you through this forest we can call society. ❁