Chapter 3

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((Meghan's POV))

Honestly, I thought Aaron was a nice guy. So, I decided that getting coffee together would make us be friends.

Boy was I wrong.

When we got coffee, he thought that it was a date!

Now I wouldn't say gross, since he is kind of good looking, but his personality is horrible. So maybe I should use the term disgusting.

Of course after it was all over I punched him hard across the face for good measure.

Honestly, I don't need a boyfriend at all.

                •      •      •

I walked down the hallway of the school, and on the way I ran into Lani.

"Hey Meg!" She smiled.

"Hey Lan, I got a story for you."

"Tell me!" She demanded.

I started to tell her everything that happened yesterday after school, and she gasped when I got to the part that he thought it was a date.

"Ugh! Really?" She said with a look of disgust.

"Yeah.. Honestly I thought he was a nice guy, but he's really a-"

I was interrupted when someone bumped into me. Quickly I looked to see that it was a girl with golden hair. Her eyes matched but where an orange color

"Sorry," she apologized.

"SKY!" Lani smiled and hugged her.
"You should hear what happened to Meghan yesterday!"

I sighed as I had to tell the WHOLE story over again. Sky didn't seem as surprised, but she still seemed kind of weirded out.

"I can't imagine how you felt," she simply said. "Oh, and I'm Sky. I'm one of Lani's friends."

"Yeah same-"

All of us stopped talking when Aaron walked around the corner. His cheek was bruised from where I punched him.
He just looked over at me and snarled.

"Thanks for the bruise," he growled.

"Your welcome. Now scram before I give you another one to cry about," I hissed.

He left all three of us alone after that.

Sky and Lani looked at me in shock.

"You punched him?! You didn't tell us that part!" Lani gasped.

"Oh, I didn't find it that important..."

Sky then giggled a little bit, making all eyes on her.

"Now you can tell the Stowe's apart," she snorted. "Good job Meghan."

All of us laughed as we headed to our classes together.

                  •      •      •

I closed my locker and sighed.

"Another day down, a whole lot more to go," I mumbled.

"Hey Meghan!"

I turned to find that Alex was running down the hallway, and when he got to me he was still smiling.

"Hey Alex," I said with a smile.

"Academic team is canceled today," he said.

"Aw what? I already called my brother to just go home without me! He won't be coming back to pick me up until 4!"

"Well..." His voice trailed off. "The coffee shop closes at 4. Wanna go there?"

Oh, the irony. First I went to the coffee shop yesterday with Aaron, and now today I'm going with Alex.

"I didn't bring any money," I sighed.

"I'll pay. It's not problem. And you don't have to pay me back," he smiled.
"Come on! We haven't hung out it a while Meg!"

I sighed and agreed. Together we made our way out of the school building.

"No way! That's your art?!" I gasped as I pointed to a cool painting on the wall.

"Yeah. I didn't want to sell it for a lot, but Mrs. Octavia wanted me to sell it for at least 150 dollars. Honestly I wouldn't care if I didn't get a dime," he said as he stirred his coffee a little.

"What?! Why not! You deserve money for your art!" I exclaimed.

"Well," he gave that smile again as he looked down at the table. "I just like to bless people with art. That's why I became an artist. I just want people to notice it's beauty, not it's worth."

I was about to say something, but the door of the coffee shop opened to reveal my brother Sean.

"Yo Meg! Why didn't you answer my text? I've been outside for the past five minutes waiting!"

"Sorry bro. I got carried away in conversation." I stood up and looked back at Alex. A smile formed on my face when I said,
"See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you Meg!"

"Is your mom coming soon?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I just texted her. She's on her way." He looked up and waved at Sean.
"Hey man!"

"Hey Alex. Come on Meg! I left the car running," Sean said.

I said my goodbyes again, and when I got in the passengers seat of the car my brother gave a smirk at me.

"Megs got a crush!" He snickered.

"What?! No! It isn't like that you dweeb!" I growled as I punched his shoulder.

"You sure sis? You were giving him those goggly eyes."

"Oh yeah? I should say the same thing to you with Carnia!" I snapped as he drove down the road. "And she's got a boyfriend!"

Sean finally decided to shut up about Alex since what I said was true.

On the way home, I tried to think about what my brother said... Did I like Alex? I mean, he was a nice guy but I totally didn't like him that way. He's more like another brother.

Yeah, definitely like a brother.

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