Losin' It (lyttlejoe)

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Losin' It

So now I hear Six Star's a racer

Ruechari's brother wants a rematch

and Highride Ali's the chaser

What'll Lean do,

she still has her own brother to catch.

DamagedGoods disappeared;

least that's what I heerd.

And Lean's dad's bein' pressed into service,

since the sheriff's exposure as Carob Bob,

and peddlin' whiskey is makin' him nervous

And Lean accused the Doc of bein' Spent Shell

but the Doc denied it and Lean's hopes fell.

Crazy Eye Charlie, seems left his sick bed

gone to find the sheriff,

must be teched in the head

I don't know what's goin' down

I used to own this entire town

All these folks movin' in willy nilly

and now Doc ain't Spent Shell

theories all shot to hell

and Lean's brother is after

Sheriff BobbyPete Billy...

or BibbyBopBobby...

or- or...

Doc! Doc, I need help!

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