Sing, Birdie, sing! (2) (Leandra Lynx)

71 7 43

Sing, Birdie, sing! (2)

Diamond spit some blood.

"Okay, I admit: 

On the race day,

Croc, Stannbear and me looked for a way 

To pinch the cargo of the infamous Midnight Gold.

Consider it a test."

"Steel!" Stannbear protested.

"Midnight... Gold? Lean repeated like a parrot,

But, Busted Gulch got no natural resources!"

Diamond laughed: "Or so you were taught, Darling!

The connection to the world beyond the desert does still exist."

Stannbear grabbed Diamond's wrist. 

"And the transport takes place between sun set and rise?"

Steel smirked. "Thus the name."

Lean and Hunter exchanged worried looks.

"And... Croc?" Hunter asked, bat in hand.

Diamond shrugged, then grinned. "Not my best friend."

Busted Gulch vol 1Where stories live. Discover now