Chapter 1

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Brook (Top) and Winter (Bottom) ^

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That's all that ran through my head the next morning after the party to find myself in bed with none other than Jacob Rodriguez, the school's bad boy. I knew last night was a bad idea but did I listen to my head? nope, I had to give into Winter's whining and pleading, and now this happened. Fucking hell, I thought as I looked under the covers to see that I was completely naked and purple bruises were littering my skin, fuck my life. As slowly and silently as I could, I wrapped the teal blanket around my chest to keep from being exposed before going in search of my clothes.

"Ugh, I am never going to a party again" I muttered softly as my head began to throb from last night's heavy drinking.

"Curse you to hell and back Winter Marie Payne" I muttered as I planned my twin sister's murder in my head, all the while ignoring the fact that the boy that I had slept with was watching me as I talked to myself with wide eyes. Once I was done dressing myself in my strapless nude dress I turned around nearly jumping out of my skin when I locked eyes with Jacob. His hair was disheveled due to just waking up, his eyes were a forest green with specks of gold. He was a really attractive guy but his attitude was what made him ugly.

I winced at the pain on my lower back and tried to ignore the thoughts running through my head because the last thing I want to think about is the fact that I had sex with him. Fuck di-did he use a condom? I looked around the room and bit my lip when I saw how disorganized it was. The duvet was thrown over the bed and pillows littered the floor along with Jacob's clothes. The trash bin was filled with garbage, beer cans and god knows what else surrounded the bin. I swallowed the lump in my throat and prayed to God that Jacob did use a condom because then I will be screwed....again.

"This never happened" Jacob's voice cut me out of the my raging thoughts and looked over to see that he was fully dressed and glaring at me, his eyes burning holes into the side of my head and before I could reply, he was walking out of the room slamming the shot making me jump. I whimpered as tears filled my eye. Tears freely rolled down my cheeks as I tried to hold in the sobs that were trying to break free.

After 20 minutes of trying to calm down, I managed to stop the tears, and got up from the bed and made my way out of the room. I sighed and closed my eyes as I could feel eyes on me the whole time. I knew that I was going to be the talk of the school come Monday but right now I could give a shit. I wanted to go and crawl in my bed and die.

So I did just that once I got home, ignoring my parents and siblings who were looking at me with worried and stern eyes. Winter had followed me up to my room but I gave her a look that said leave me alone and closed the door behind me and locked it incase she tried sneaking in like last time. Sighing, I leaned against the door and let the few tears free

"Why am I just an idiot?" I whispered to myself as I sniffled wiping the tears away. I pushed away form the door and changed out of my dress before walking into the bathroom to shower. As soon as I turned the water on, I jumped in, sitting down on the shower floor pulling my legs up to my chest before breaking down and sobbing.

Why was I so stupid? Why did I give into Winter's persistence? I could've just stayed home and binged ate ice cream while watching the Notebook but instead I made the biggest mistake of my life and slept with the worst person in the world. What will my parents say? What could they be thinking right now? I was supposed to come home with Winter when she did but instead I came home the next morning covered in hickies that will most likely  remain on my body for the next 4 days because of how dark they were.

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