Chapter 9

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Little Grayson

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After dropping Brook off at her house after the appointment, I drove home to get my boxing gear before heading to the gym to do some training. I couldn't get that little boy out of my head no matter how much I tried. He was a small boy with light blue eyes and light blonde hair. He was an adorable toddler that had the misfortune of being adopted by a couple of assholes who didn't care about what they could do to his mental health.

He deserves to have a family who would love and protect him. I know that Brook wants to make sure that the boy is hers or she'd continue looking for her 2 year old son. Just thinking about those assholes just leaving him at the clinic pisses me of and all I can think is getting my hands on that bastard that dared make his wife chose between him and her son and the lady, all I want to do is give her a piece of my mind for even choosing the asshole over her son.

I know that had my dad made my mother chose between him and me when I came out had they still been married, she would in a heart beat chose me over him. She's always told me that her children are more important to her than any man that can be a potential boyfriend.

Parking the car in the driveway, I turned it off before getting out and walking the short distance to the front door. I noticed my mother's car was missing and the door was locked so I guess she had gone out and was confused when I didn't hear Tory's music coming from her room upstairs and down the hall from my room. Shrugging, I went to the kitchen where I saw a note from my mom

I went over to Trevor's for a little bit, Tory's over at her friend's house and won't be back until later tonight. I know you had plans with Brook and her family so I'll see you when you get home and if I don't come home tonight, then I staid over at Trevor's and I'll see you in the morning. Make sure Tory takes her medicine before bed and before school. I love you sweetie and tell Brook I said hi and that I'll be seeing him soon. Take care, DON'T FORGET TO TELL TORY ABOUT HER MEDICINE
Love, Mom

Rolling my eyes at the capital letters, I placed the note back on the counter before heading to my room to grab my boxing gear and some change of clothes for dinner tonight at Brook's. After that, I headed back downstairs and out of the house, locking the door on my way out, and got in my car before pulling out of the driveway.

The drive to the gym was about 10 minutes and once I got there, I cursed under my breath when I saw a group of paparazzi standing outside waiting. I hope there were other celebrities inside and they weren't waiting for me. Parking the car in one of the few empty lots I turned it off before getting out and grabbing my gym bag from the passenger's side. As soon as I was out of the car, they began firing questions and taking pictures as I walked towards the entrance.

"Where's the girlfriend?"

"Are you meeting with your muse that's why you're not with Brook?"

"Can you tell us more about your album?" question after question was thrown at me but I just kept on walking, I wasn't in the mood to deal with idiots like them.

"Are you just with Brook because of her money" one shouted and that made me pause in my steps before turning around, I could see the smirk on his ugly ass face as he waited for me to say or do something

"Are you going to deny it Jacob? Because before we had no idea who you were and then out of the blue you're dating Brook Payne, one of Hollywood's youngest recording artists and daughter of music producer Derek Payne and CEO of Diamond Record's Rachel Payne. Are you just with Brook because she can get you a record label and fame?" The asshole continued to ask and my temper was slowly crumbling and if he continued I was sure that I was going to lose it and beat him the fuck up. I clenched my jaw and instead of listening to his pointless accusations and entered the building and went straight to the locker rooms to change into my gym shorts and wife beater so I can get my training on.

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