Chapter 17

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"So you're really moving?" Winnie asked as she sat on the end of the bed playing with Gemma and I gave her a small smile

"Yeah, but it's not like I'm moving to a different country Winnie, you can always come visit any time you want" I told her as I packed Grayson's clothes into boxes, some that will be donated to the Red Cross. Jacob and I were doing a fundraiser to raise money for the people affected by the earthquake in Ecuador. It's pretty sad to see all that happened there. I had gone there a few times when I was younger and I had fallen in love with the people, it's culture and most of all the island. It's devastating to see a once beautiful nation fallen to dust and debris.

Sighing, I returned to my work while my sister played with my daughter. Jacob had taken Grayson out to get him one of those toy cars that look like his. I had shaken my head at his declaration a week ago and how Grayson demanded he get what his daddy has. So now he has a motorcycle, and now a car. This boy will be the death of us for sure and I have no doubt that our little girl will leave us broke Jacob's words not mine. I had just rolled my eyes and just ushered him to the to the store to get diapers and formula.

"I know but it's going to suck not hearing Grayson's giggles around the house or Gemma's coos through the baby monitors you had Jacob install all over the house saying you needed to be able to hear her in case she wakes from her nap if you go to the indoor pool, gym or recording studio" Winnie mussed from her spot with a chuckle

"Hey, this house is huge" I stated making her raise an eyebrow

"True, so what time are you and Jacob getting that charity thing at?" She asked making weird faces at Gemma who cooed and gurgled from where she laid. It's crazy to think that she's already a month old time flies faster then light and soon she'd be waking and then dating and get....yeah not gonna go there just yet, she's still a baby.

"The event doesn't start until 8 but the red carpet walk starts at 7 and there'll be reporters covering the event. I guess the more exposure it gets, the more people will see what this event means to me, to a lot of people really. It's crazy to think that two years ago we were there for Mom and Dad's 30th wedding anniversary. Now look what's been reduced to" I murmured and she nodded

"Yeah, it's heart breaking" she agreed

"Can you keep an eye on her for a second? I have to go make some food for when Jacob and Grayson get back from their shopping trip" I said and she nodded

"Sure, you need to rest, you've been organizing those boxes since you woke up this morning. You haven't even eaten lunch yourself" she chastised and I sighed nodding. Looking at the clock on the night stand I raised my brows in surprise and sure enough it's already past noon, nearing 2 in the afternoon to be precise meaning my boys will be home soon. Jacob not only took Gray to get his toy car but also to the park to play with Smoky for a bit before coming home to eat. We were leaving to our new house at 5 and the moving trucks will be here half past 4. I stretched and sighed

"Alright, then, let's go make daddy and your brother some food, hm?" I murmured picking her up and Winnie pouted

"Thought you wanted me to look after her" she whined

"Yeah, that was before you reminded me that I still had to eat" I replied and walked out of my empty, aside form the bed and night stands and crib, room with a pouty Winter following behind and a wide awake new born baby girl who keeps sticking her tongue out

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