Chapter 5

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Emma ^

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Was it a dick move to tell Brook that whatever happened between us two weeks ago at Emma's party never happened and to never speak of it again? Maybe, but did I care? Not really, I mean after all she was just another fuck. She was there and one thing led to another and I didn't really care about the consequences of my actions until the next day when I woke up with a thin sheet covering my tattooed torso up while hearing Brook shuffling around in the room getting dressed as quietly as she could, which by the way wasn't so quiet at all.

My head was throbbing and all I wanted to do was get the hell out of that room and away from Brook. I remember the look of pain fleeting through her green eyes when I uttered those words but I didn't really care, she should have known that I just sleep around never sticking by to see if my latest lays were okay. Sighing, I got out of bed and made my way over to my bathroom to shower before getting dressed for school.

Turning the water on, I jumped in after undressing from my boxers and stood under the blazing water. I've only seen her around school during class change or after school when I'm by the bleachers smoking with a couple friends while watching the cheer team practice but other than that, I haven't really seen much of her. I knew that her family was big in Hollywood and Emma has even tried to get with her brother at one point but I heard he already had a girlfriend or was it fiancé? Who knew. Emma was one of the few chicks I shagged whenever I felt the need to release stress.

She would hang of my arm like a damn monkey which in the end pissed me off so I tend to do the only thing I can think of, shove her off of me causing her to tumble over and fall of her flat ass.

Honestly, I don't know why I keep going to her, I could always get Brook in bed, I mean after all she was a better fuck then any other girl I've been with in the past. Just thinking about her perky little ass as she bounced on my lap had me growing hard.

"Fuck" I hissed as I began jerking myself off to images of Brook's lips around my shaft as I grab hold of his hair and slam my dick down his throat making him gag. I pump my hard on as I close my eyes as the image of blowing me crossed my mind

"FUCK" I shouted as white milky substance hit the shower wall and was washed away by the water. I was panting  hard as I came down from my high.

 I was panting  hard as I came down from my high

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(Jacob's outfit)

"Shit" I cursed and finished washing up before turning the water off. I turned the radio on once I walked back to my room after brushing my teeth. An unfamiliar song began playing in the background while I walked to my closet to grab a pair of red skinny jeans, a black OBEY shirt, red Nike high tops, and my red watch from its cabinet in the small closet in the middle of the walk in and then grabbed my ORIGINAL snap back before walking back out the song was half way over

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