Chapter 10

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August 10th, 19 weeks and 3 days along

Wednesday, the day after I got my blood drawn, was the day that I get to find out whether little Grayson was my son or not and I was a nervous wreck

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Wednesday, the day after I got my blood drawn, was the day that I get to find out whether little Grayson was my son or not and I was a nervous wreck. I just needed to know so I can be the mother that he needed. The one that should have never gave him up so that he'd never have never been given to those horrible people to raise.

I knew that I should have listened to my parents when they told me to not buy things for him and set up one of the rooms for him but I just couldn't because I had a feeling deep in my chest that the results would be positive but I still needed to know.

I bit my lip as I waited for Doctor Martin to enter with the results and Jacob rubbed my back giving me moral support as we sat in silence, the only sound was the ticking of the clock on the wall and the sound of my heart beating in my chest. Word some how gotten out that I had a son two years ago and every social media has been talking about it none stop.

Wanting to see the 'infamous son of famous singer Brook Payne' the paparazzi kept harassing us with questions about whether Jacob was his father or not but we never commented on it. Our representatives have spoken to the media claiming that our families wanted privacy and to not bombard us with questions regarding Grayson and his connection to me and Jacob.

"We have a doctor's appointment after this too" I mumbled trying to get my mind off of the possibility that Grayson may or may not be my son. Jacob hummed nodding his head

"Hopefully this time we'd be able to tell what we're having since the last one we couldn't" he replied and I nodded. My bump was growing more as the weeks pass and now you can clearly tell that I'm pregnant and a lot of people have been asking what the gender is and if Jacob was the father. I want to be able to celebrate our 3 month anniversary with good news instead of bad, but I knew that if one was bad I'd still have a good one to celebrate but I wanted two good news today.

"What do you want it to be?" I asked and he hummed cocking his head in thought

"I don't care what the baby is as they're healthy I'll be content with either" he replied looking down at me with a smile, I was already 4, almost 5, months along and every week Jacob would take a picture of my baby bump and put it on a scrapbook titled 'Baby's life' in bold letters.

It was a cute gesture and he even put it up on Instagram and got so many likes and comments that it was ridiculous. I put a picture up on twitter at my 4 month mark and I had just as many rts and favorites that twitter froze for a good 24 hours because of it. Oops. I rubbed my bump and smiled knowing that even if Grayson wasn't my son I'd still have a tiny human that I'd love more than life it self but I wanted her or him to have older sibling that they can look up to and play with and just have a friend they can count on as they grow older.

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