Chapter 6

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Jacob's house ^


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(Brook's stuffed bunny)

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(Brook's stuffed bunny)

I never thought I would witness a smile as big as the one I'm seeing right now. I'm not one for sappiness but, being around Brook I guess brings out those feelings out. She's absolutely stunning and breathtaking and just an all around amazing person. She's the perfect form of art that you can stare at every day and not get tired of. Watching her run around the amusement park with a smile was all I was hoping for.

I never thought that I would be this lucky to be able to witness something as beautiful as the sight before me. We were now sitting on the edge of the pier after a long day of going from one ride to the next and from game stand to game stand where I won her a few stuffed animals, which I had to take to the car aside from one. It was a stuffed golden brown bunny with floppy ears, Brook hasn't let that thing go since I won it for her at that shooting range game when we first got here.

The sun was just setting and it gave off a warm glow of light around Brook giving her an angelic look. Her hair was a wild mess from running all over the place with a beaming smile. She sighed and looked over at me with a small smile

"I had fun today, thank you" I shook my head

"I should thank you, I didn't think you would accept my offer to go on a date with me I'm actually really happy you accepted." I murmured making him smile

"I think we should get going" she mumbled with a cute little frown making me nod and stand up, only to curse when a flash of light hit my eyes making me momentarily blind for a second and Brook groaned from beside me before I could ask what, a round of questions were being fired off in making me realize that we were cornered by the paps that I tried my damn hardest to keep away but those asshole are sneaky.

"Can you tell us who you're with Brook?"

"When is your album coming out?"

"How is your brother after the fight?"

"Is it true that you had a son two years ago?"

"Why were you at the hospital two days ago?" question after question were being thrown everywhere making Brook hide behind my back as she clung to me, I could feel her shaking and I could hear little whimpers leave her lips and that pissed me off the most, the last thing I wanted was for Brook to be upset and these bastards were upsetting her. I pulled her to my side hiding her face against my chest before practically bulldozing my way through them as they followed as

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