Chapter 30

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Walking into the nursery room to get Vinny changed for the day, I paused to admire the work that my husband created for our new son. The room was a soft off white color with a beige crib against the left wall with two black pictures of whales above the crib. The windows had white and gold curtains to the left while across the room had a tan curtain. There was a sky painting on the right side wall with a light wood dresser. A love seat was in front of the window that looked to the backyard while there were two small- kid size- chairs in front of the crib with a small table in the middle.

To the right wall was a white dresser with a TV playing lullabies. There was also a matching recliner chair right as you enter the room to the left with a hamper of blankets. The floor was covered in a tan carpet with a brown fluffy one where the chairs were. The sound of wailing broke me out of my thoughts and walked quickly tot eh crib to pick up my wailing new born.

"Shh love, mommy's here, shh" I cooed cradling him in my arms while walking to the recliner

"You hungry huh?" I whispered as I grabbed the throw blanket and placed it around my shoulder to cover myself in case we get a surprise visit from our parents along with my siblings.

"Hey I heard him crying, is he okay?" Jacob asked as he walked in, I chuckled and nodded

"He's fine, just hungry, what time did your mom say the rehearsal dinner was at?" I replied and nodded

"She said that it was at 6 and it's only 3:30 so we have about 2 and a half hours before we can start getting the kids ready" he replied and I hummed closing my eyes as Vinny sucked on my nipple.

"Okay, did you feed them?"

"Yes, the only person who needs to eat is you, babe, so once you're done feeding Vinny go downstairs to eat" he said and I nodded just as Vinny finished eating, so I removed him from my chest, pulled my shirt up once I tucked myself in, then removed the blanket and tossed it over my shoulder before placing the 2 month old over my shoulder to burp him. Chuckling once he let out a loud burp, I decided to get him ready since he won't get himself dirty by playing in the yard like his brother or smear mushed veggies all of his face like Gemma tends to do every time we go out.

 Chuckling once he let out a loud burp, I decided to get him ready since he won't get himself dirty by playing in the yard like his brother or smear mushed veggies all of his face like Gemma tends to do every time we go out

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