Chapter 34

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February 12, 2022

Grayson-7 years old

Gemma- 4 years old

Vinny-2 years old

Max-4 months old

Jacob-23 years old

Brook- 22 years old


(Jacob's outfit)

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(Jacob's outfit)


"We have a radio interview today at 3 with Nick Grimshaw" Brook said as she walked into the room after her shower.

"Louis said to go over to his place after they want to tell us something" I said as she nodded while walking to the closet to change. Tour was a success and we are now on break for a couple weeks before we head back to finish it by going to the US then down to Australia and South America. Max was already 4 months old today and Grayson just turned 7 three days ago. Time flies quickly when you're having fun as my mom once said back when I was around 10.

"How long will we be at the radio station?" She asked walking back out with a pile of clothes in her arms and throwing them on the bed. I shrugged

"Give or take about an hour at most depending on what questions they want to or what they want to talk about" I answered putting my shoes on.

"We also have that photoshoot after the interview, remember so you go-" she began to say but I cut her off

"I already let Louis know that we'll be over once we finish our interview, photoshoot and our visit to the clinic to get the kids vaccinated" I said and she narrowed her eyes before rolling them and huffing

"Since you're all dressed and shit, get Vinny and Max dressed, Grayson's dressed already and I'll get Gemma ready once I'm dressed" she stated making me chuckle, I walked over and kissed her pouty lips before leaving to do just as she asked

"Daddy" Vinny squealed upon seeing me enter his room making me chuckle

"Hi bubba, did you have a nice nap?" I asked walking in and he grinned nodding his head holding his arms up but I just ruffled his hair walking to the closet to grab him a change of clothes

"Up daddy" he whined

"Once you're dressed bubba" I replied and he frowned, I laid his outfit of the day down beside him and stood him up to get his pajama pants and pull up off before helping him into a clean pair of pull ups. He's already closing in at three years old yet he still has trouble telling us that he needs to use the restroom but that's alright, at least that's what the doctor said last time we visited her.

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