Chapter 24

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Brook didn't know about our plans for today, she thought we were just going to visit Mickey and the twins at the hospital but this morning, before she or Grayson woke up, I put our packed suitcases in the car. She thought we were leaving this weekend, she's in for a surprise. Any who, we were all heading to the hospital, the only people who knew about this trip were his parents and mine. They were all meeting us there for their party since I was renting a villa for three weeks.

"So my mom called and said that we're invited to her house for lunch" I said and she nodded her head with a hum, eyes closed.

"What time?" She asked cocking her head to the side, eyes still closed

"After we visit with Vic and Mickey" I replied, merging into the highway

"Sounds good, it feels like we haven't seen her, Trevor or Tory in weeks" She stated and I had to agree with her comment. We've been so busy with school ending, tour dates- which are still in the limbo- and wedding planning, we've barely seen them and this trip will be good for us all. They were flying with Brook's parents and sister next week and then Vic and Mickey will fly the a few days later after getting cleared by the doctor to see if they could fly with the twins.

"I couldn't have agreed more with you" I replied and she smiled opening her eyes and looking over at me with those green eyes of hers

"Tory texted me the other day asking when she could come over ad visit" she said making me hum

"She knows she's allowed over whenever she wants, does she not?" I asked and I saw her shoulders raise and fall in shrug

"She does she just doesn't want not be a bother, I guess" she mumbled

"She's not a bother, never will be. She knows that" I huffed and she nodded

"I've told her that but she still feels like she needs to ask" she responded and I nodded, I need to talk to my little sister and let her know that no matter what happens and where life may take us, she will always be matter to me. Just because I have a family of my own doesn't mean she doesn't matter to me any less than she did before. In fact, she's one of the most important people in my life.

"I'll give her a call when we get to the hospital" I finally said and she hummed

"Sounds good"

"Weaw we go daddy?" Grayson asked after a few minutes of silence just as I pulled into the parking lot

"We're coming to visit your Aunty and cousins, bubba" I answered and he cheered a loud 'yay' making us chuckle as I parked the car in a empty spot before turning it off and unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Alright, let's go see your cousins and Aunty" I said opening his door and getting Grayson out while Brook got Gemma. The day was extremely hot today with the sun burning over hear. I put Gray's hat on while Brook lowered the cover to shield Gemma from the sun's beams.

"I hate this" she huffed fanning herself as we entered the cool building and sighing

"I know" I murmured lacing our free hands together and walking towards the frot desk to get visiting passes and once that was done we went the third floor and to Mickey's room, Grayson knocking on the door. The door opened a few moments later and we came face to face with Vic, who was holding his newborn daughter while Mickey fed Mason.

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