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10 years later








"Kids let's go!" Jacob shouted up the stairs and no later then a second we heard thundering footsteps making their way down the stairs, the first to come down was Max followed by Vinny then both Gemma and Grayson. Today was our last day of touring and tomorrow we were heading to France since we had a photo shoot , an interview and while there we were going to the Fashion show.

"How long are we staying there mom?" Grayson asked as he got in his car with Gemma taking the passenger's side

"No longer then 3 weeks Gray, we'll be back in time for you to start year 13" I said and he nodded. My first born was already 18 years old an he's already on 6th Form at Secondary School. It feels like it was just yesterday that he was starting Primary School. He didn't go to school back in LA since we were always on tour so we had hired a tutor so he won't stay behind in school and when had a break from tour we moved here to England and he was already 8 so he started Primary School and attended for a year before we were back on the road for yet another tour but he still had a tutor that kept him on his toes. By the time Gemma was his age she too began taking classes with Grayson with the hired tutor and now at 15 she's in year 11.

She's grown so much in the last 10 years that it's crazy to see how much she looks after me. She had a head full of wild blond -dyed- curly hair and bright blue eyes. Vinny on the other hand was attending year 9 and he looked so much like Grayson that you'd know of the bat they were brothers with their matching dirty blond hair an blue eyes.

Then there was Max who took after Jacob with his dark brown almost black hair and hazel eyes he was in year 3 as he was 10 years old. They were growing so fast that it's upsetting to see that one day they'll be of on their own doing their own thing. Grayson already got his license as soon as he turned 17 and Gemma still had to get hers but she needs to get her grades up for that to happen.

"Are you sure it's okay with Chris coming along with us?" he asked and I nodded knowing that Grayson would be bored out of his mind if he didn't have his boyfriend with him on this trip.

"Yes love, it's completely fine and yes it's okay for Nick to tag along too as long as neither of you do anything that would get those two on the next flight back here understood?" I said peering into Grayson's open window

"Yes mom" they replied and I nodded

"Okay, meet us at the airport in half an hour or else your father will have Jake and Viny looking for you" I said making them chuckle before driving out of the driveway towards their boyfriends' house. Chris and Nick arr brothers, same age as Grayson and Gemma meaning they're in the same grade as them. Grayson and Chris have dating for about 3 years unlike Gemma and Nick who have been dating for 2.

"Did they go get their boyfriends?" Jacob asked coming outside after getting the lat suitcase from the house

"Yeah, told them to be at the airport in half an hour or you'll be having Jake and Viny go get them" I replied making him nod

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