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(Brook's Hospital Room)

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(Brook's Hospital Room)

I woke up to Brook's whimpering and whines and sat up holding her hand. Tears rolled down her cheeks and his brows were furrowed as pain etched her face.

"Hurts, Jacob, so fucking bad" she whimpered as she looked at me, her green eyes filled with tears

"I know baby, shh, just take deep breaths, just like we had practiced, in and out baby, yes just like that" I murmured when she did was I instructed her and we facial expression morphed to that of relaxed when the pain went away

"Fuck, these contractions are a pain in the ass" she grumbled making me smile and lean down to kiss her forehead

"Just think of it this way, the closer they are, the closer we are to having our little girl here with us" I said and she rolled her eyes with a smile

"Yes, but the pain sucks monkey ass though, only if you could feel how it hurts when a mother goes into labor" she huffed making me laugh

"How's my favorite best friend doing?" We looked up when the sound of the door opening followed by Perrie's voice as the group of 8 entered the room. Thank God we got the private VIP room or else none of our friends would have been able to fit in the room. The room was a beautiful room with crème colored walls with dark brow curtains by the left side where the windows were.

In front of both beds was a light wood dresser with a built in TV that was moveable towards the small sitting area where there was a small coffee table with two white couches across each other where Louis, Harry, Liam and Niall took up making the girls roll their eyes so they took to sitting on the bed where I had slept in the a few hours ago before while I sat on the chair beside her bed.

"I'm good, just waiting for the doctor to come in and check how far I'm dilated" she replied rubbing her bump as she tried to get comfortable with me helping her sit up a bit on the bed which she gave me a thankful smile

"How far along were you when came in?" Leigh-Anne asked

"Doctor Morgan said I was 3 cm along" She replied and they raised their eyebrows

"Really?" Jesy quizzed and we nodded

"So you've been in labor for how may hours now?" Jade asked

"We came in at 2 and it's what? 8? so about 6 hours now" Brook replied and I swear all of their eyes were about to fall out of their sockets making us laugh at their reaction

"Are you serious?" Harry asked from his spot on Louis' lap and Brook nodded

"Yeah, I actually just woke up half an hour ago from contraction pains" she said

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