Chapter 33

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So much has happened in the last 3 weeks that it makes me wonder if we will ever be free of pain. The week before we moved to London, Melanie and Trevor came over to give us some news and I had expected them telling us that they were having another baby but what came out of her lips was life changing. It had been roughly about weeks since we've seen let alone spoken to Melanie and having her call us and ask if she and Trevor could come over was surprising as we were already packing our things to send to London.

When we had arrived at the house after our trip downtown and saw Trevor's car already parked on our driveway, we were surprised as they had said that they would be over around 5 since that's when Trevor would be home and it was only 5 at the time but never questioned it instead we got out and got the kids out as well before entering the house with Melanie and Trevor who carried the baby after us.

Grayson and Gemma had fallen asleep on the way home while Vinny was wide awake so Jacob took Gemma and Grayson to their rooms to put them down in their beds while I led his mom and step-dad to the living room with Vinny and placed him on the floor to play after getting him out of his car seat. She had looked so different from the last we saw her that it worried me. She was thinner and paler than I remembered with dark purple bags under eyes and short- almost buzzed cut- hair.

"Well what is it that you needed to tell us?" Jacob asked after coming downstairs. His mother gave him a small tired smile that made him frown as he sat beside me. She bit her lip while Trevor gave her hand a squeeze to give her some courage and she looked at Jacob with tears in her eyes and I knew, I just knew at the moment, that something bad happened, I figured it was something to do with his father or someone in his family but what I didn't think who was hurting was her.

"I have cancer" those three simple words had brought Jacob's walls down in a go. I had watched my husband as his face turned blank with emotions but I could see it in his eyes that he was suffering. He sat there for what felt like forever before he stood up and glared at this mother with tears in his eyes but he masked it with hatred making Melanie look down at her clasped hands

"how long?" he asked making Melanie and Trevor both look up at him

"J-" she began but cut off when she saw Jacob's tears running down his cheeks, he may have been one of those tough, keep hold your emotions in type of guy back in high school but ever since we've been together he's learned to let his emotions out and express his feelings more be it by laughter, smiling, getting angry, throwing fits, screaming, punching things or crying. He's learned to trust me more and more as time goes by.

"HOW LONG?" He yelled startling not just us but the babies as well making both Vinny and Hope cry, I couldn't be angry at him nor could his mother as we both knew that one of his ways to express his feelings was by getting angry so Trevor bounced Hope in his arms to calm her own while I picked Vinny and did the same while rubbing his back. The tension in the room was so damn thick that it was suffocating and you could literally cut it with a knife. Melanie lowered her head and replied with a soft

"3 weeks" but it was clear as day

"That's how long you've known" Jacob had replied with a blank face not caring that he was silently crying as he stood there looking anywhere but his mother

"Yes" Melanie replied and just like that, he walked out of the living room not saying anything more and went upstairs and no later had he left, the sound of our bedroom door slamming sut was heard making us jump followed by more wailing and Grayson came running down the stairs nearly falling with tears in his eyes

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