Chapter 20

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"Jealousy is not a pretty color" Winter said to the two girls glaring at my fiancé as she grabbed two cups of soda for herself and me

"What are you talking about?" Hannah asked with a scoff much like Vivian

"You and I both know what I'm talking about" she replied and the two girls only rolled their eyes

"As if we would be jealous of a freak" Vivian replied

"Mind you that freak is my sister and his fiancé" Winter replied throwing her blonde hair over her shoulder as she pointed towards me. Nick and Jason were making a fool of themselves on the dance floor while Mark recorded them. I have no idea why I'm even friends with those three.

"Jacob's irrelevant" Hannah replied making me raise a brow at her

"Irrelevant much like you" I responded and she rolled her eyes

"Oh please you and I both know that you want me" She answered and I couldn't help but crack up much like Winter was now doing while both girls glared at us and Brook raised a brow in question

"God, that was funny" Winter whizzed out as I chuckled

"Uh whats going on?" Brook questioned

"Nothing love, just Hannah told us a funny joke" I stated and Hannah glared at me while I shook my head still chuckling at her statement

"You'd be the last person I'd want to be with if I was single.You should join Emma" I said and then I was laughing again this time joined by Brook and Winter once more. Brook was bent over as she laughed and Winter was hitting the table beside her as tears rolled down her cheeks. My three idiot friends came over, looking confused

"What's got you three laughing so much?" Mark quizzed looking at his date with a fond smile. He seriously needed to grow some balls and just ask her to be his girlfriend already, what is he going to lose? If he doesn't try he'd never know what she'll say. Hell she could've liked him long before her relationship with Ezra.

"Hannah here said that Jacob wants her when we were talking about who is and who isn't irrelevant when I stated that jealousy wasn't a pretty color" Winter whizzed out and all three guys began laughing

"You may be pretty Hannah but you would be the last person he'd date were he straight, sorry babe" Jason said and Vivian along with a now furious Hannah three their drinks at Jason and Nick

"You should be defending me since I'm your fucking girlfriend instead of laughing, you asshole" Hannah screeched and Jason only laughed harder much like Nick

"We were never serious you should've known that" Nick chuckled shaking his head making both girls shrike as they got hit in the face by the fruit punch on both Nick and Jason's heads.

"God these two give the definition of gullible a whole new meaning. Fuck," Jason chuckled

"What are you talking about?" Vivian demanded in a not so soft voice

"Have you not heard of our reputation? We're fuck boys sweetheart and that means we fuck and dump any girl we get. You two were our new targets" Nick replied with a smirk that had me shaking my head. I knew it was to good to be true with these two. Once an asshole, always an asshole, but you can't help but love those idiots. I may have been a fuck boy before but I always knew who I wanted and that's Brook. Brook was the only person who made me weak in the knees and made my heart race at an unhealthy pace. She's the greatest thing to happen to me much like my kids.

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