Chapter 21

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Do you ever picture a life without the person you love? Like do you ever think to the days where you were single and didn't have to worry about anything other than yourself? You're life didn't need to revolve around anyone and you didn't have to witness them getting shot in front of you by a psychotic jealous girl who thought that it was a good idea to carry a gun to a dance and for what? What will shooting someone do? It won't make you any better than what you already are.

So why? That's all I have ever wanted to ask her, why did she do it? Why did she have to pull the trigger and shoot Jacob? Has she forgotten that he has two kids under the age of 6 waiting for him back home? Question after question ran through my mind as the clock ticked on the wall.

Winter was talking on the phone with who? I didn't know. Our parents? His parents? Maybe both? My mind was a jumble mess with all different scenarios running through my head. Countless what ifs kept popping in and out. What if he didn't make it? What if he lost to my blood and they couldn't safe him? What if this what if that. I should be the one in that room getting operated on, not him.

"Brook" I heard my mother's frantic voice yell and I looked up from my blood covered hands to the entrance of the hospital where mine and Jacob's parents were coming in, Melanie and Tory looking distraught and Trevor doing his best to keep it together while my mother and father were firing questions at my sister and friends

"Mama" I whimpered and she gasped looking at my state and came running at me holding me in her arms. Whispering comforting words into my ear while I broke down all over again

"He-he, mama, I can't lose him" I cried and she just hushed me while cradling my weak body in hers, not once minding that I was covered in blood

"He'll be alright baby, shh, he's going to be alright" she cooed into my ear but all I could do was cry and cling to her. My father's arms enclosed us as we waited in the sitting room to hear the news about Jacob. It's been only an hour since we've gotten here and it feels like an eternity.

"Jacob Rodriguez?" we all stood up when the doctor came out nearly 5 hours later, Both mother going back and forth getting us coffee while Dad and Trevor did what they could to comfort their weeping partners. Jason, Nick and Mark were all huddled across the hall with their heads hung low while Winter, Ezra and Tory sat beside me, both girls holding my hands as to give me comfort while Ezra held Winnie's hand giving her his support.

Why was he still here? Did he not know that this was close family friend moment? he wasn't my friend nor Jacob's so why was he here? I suppose I should be thankful to him for being here if not for me but for my sister since she was beside me when Emma shot Jacob. She too could have been shot had Jacob not stood in front of us , shielding us from Emma's wrath.

"How is he?" I heard Melanie ask breaking me out of my thoughts and I looked at the doctor who had a small reassuring smile on his lips

"He's stable for now, surgery was successful and he's quite lucky to have been brought in quickly or else the result would have been much different" she said looking at her clipboard

"What do you mean?" I asked, all eyes looking at me now, my voice cracking as tears filled my eyes

"Due to the way the bullet traveled when he was shot, it didn't particularly hit any major organs. Yes a point blank shot can be fatal.The bullet has an effect called hydrostatic shock on the flesh when it enters the human body. It caused the rupture of organs with a high pressure. This caused heavy blood loss. He was lucky to have been rushed to the ER as soon as it happened or else the injury would have been fatal" she replied and I felt my heart sink to my stomach as my knees felt weak making me nearly fall to the floor had my sister not grabbed me in time

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