Chapter 7

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Nash (Brook's ex) ^


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August 1, 2017 : 18 weeks and 1 day along

The weeks following my album release have been uneventful aside from waking up in the middle of the night to throw up my dinner then that's about it. But that changed a few days ago, Jacob had came over to hang out before he had to go to work, when I got a surprise visitor. We were just watching a marathon of The Walking dead when the door bell ran making me frown.

No one was supposed to be at the house until later that day since it was celebratory BBQ for Vic, since he won the fight against some Russian. Jacob patted my legs so I'd move them from his lap making me grumble but removed them ad he stood up walking over to answer the door, he asked who it was but I could hear the person's reply. I heard two sets of footsteps making their way back into the room and looked up only for my eyes to widen when I saw him. The man that made my life flip upside down two years ago. He still looked the same as he did when he was 21.

The only thing that changed was his hair, where it once used to be bleach blond was now a midnight black. Those vibrant blue eyes were just as clear as the day I met him. He was wearing a white graphic top, black skinny jeans and matching Nike high tops, the only difference now was that he had a couple tattoos on his arms. He was still the same attractive man that had me in his clutches until the very end.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he gave me a confused look

"I came to see you, babe" he replied making Jacob raise an eyebrow at the nickname

"I'm not your babe, Nash. I made that very clear two years ago. Yes I forgave you but that didn't mean that I want you in my life" I stated making him roll his eyes as he walked over and kissed me right in front of Jacob. I pushed him the second our lips touched not wanting to anger the father of my unborn child.

"Why are you being so difficult, Brook? I came all this way to be with you yet you're being a little bitch" He snapped making Jacob retaliate by punching him making Nash stumble falling on the couch, the corner of his lip was busted and blood flowed freely down his chin

"You really think that you can just waltz back into her life after what you did to her? You're the most pathetic human being I've ever met in my life. You had your chance with her but you blew it" Jacob practically growled down at Joe who was glaring at him

"Who the hell are you?" Nash hissed

"My boyfriend, and the father of my unborn child" I replied making him look at me with the scariest look in those once beautiful eyes and I coward behind Jacob who put a protective hand on my back standing between us and acting like a shield.

"So the rumors are true then huh?" Nash chuckled with a dead look in his eyes

"Yes" Jacob answered for me, his jaw was clenching as he fought hard to control his anger. I knew that the next words that came out of Nash's lips will break the little restraint Jacob had ad I wished that he was stronger then his emotions and would just stay calm.

I put a hand on his shoulder while my hand laced with his and rubbed my thumb on his palm. His shoulders visibly relaxed but the tick on his neck was still there and his eyes had turned almost black.

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