Chapter 4

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Brook's Hotel Room ^


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(Brook's outfit)

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(Brook's outfit)

The next morning, I woke up to Vic knocking on the door of my room, yelling

"Kenzie's already here, don't want to have the ladies waiting for ya"

"Be out in a few minutes" I yelled back before jumping out of bed and running to the ensuit bathroom to take a shower. Once done, I brushed my teeth before exiting the bathroom and re-entering my hotel room. It was a spacious room with crème color walls with a dark wood dresser across the room with pictures above the dresser and a flower pot in the center. There was a flat screen T.V that was playing music videos. The bed was up against the tight side of the room with an off white duvet with flower print sheets and matching pillows. There was canopy over the bed that was pulled back revealing a pink curtain.

On each wall there were gold mirrors. On each side there were two matching nightstands with white lamps. There was a dark wood desk near the door with a tall lamp. The floors were covered in a magenta color carpet that went out into the rest of the suit aside from the living room. I quickly looked through my suitcase and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a Not for sale shirt, a dark green coat, and my white converse.

Once I was dressed, I put my hair up in a messy bun, before grabbing two rings and putting them on. I grabbed my little black purse, and stuffed it with my cell phone, lip gloss and money before spraying 'Between us' by One Direction before finally leaving my room. I smiled when I saw Kenzie and Winnie ready to go.

 I smiled when I saw Kenzie and Winnie ready to go

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(Kenzie's outfit)

"Took you long enough" Winnie grumbled before we bid our parents and Kenzie's mom and bye and headed out of the hotel making our way to the awaiting limo that would be taking us to downtown London to meet with the others. Kenzie wore high waisted shorts, a black crop top under a varsity jacket, black Nike shoes, aviator glasses and a 'Stay Cute' snap back which she rocked.

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