Chapter 22

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(Jacob and Brook's outfits)

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(Jacob and Brook's outfits)


June 29th 2017. 6 Months and 4 days old

May 24th will always be a day to remember. It's one of those life changing moments where you can't help but rethink about it day in and day out and I know that Brook thinks about it every day and I wish that I could take those memories from his mind but I couldn't. We can only live life in the now and try to move forwards and keep that day in the back of our minds as best we can. The wound was almost healed but there will always be a scar to remind me of how it happened and why.

I sometimes would wake in the middle of the night hearing Brook in the bathroom crying and it kills me to hear how hurt she sounded and all I could do was remind him that I was still here and that I wasn't going anywhere. I would hold him and just let her get all of her emotions out. Last night was no different. I stayed up with her as she sobbed and cried about not wanting to lose me and I had to be strong for her and held in my own tears back to not upset him more.

Graduation was tomorrow and then we'll be home free to begin tour and raise the kids. The guests rooms have been finished being furnish last week. 4 days ago Gemma turned 6 months old and I can't believe its already been 6 months since she's been born. Soon she'll be turning 1 and Grayson's birthday was coming up as well but not for another couple months. In a week it's Brook and Winter's 19th birthday and I know their parents are planning a surprise party for them but I had a special surprise for Brook.

I decided to indulge her on a trip to Italy for a week away from everything and everyone and we're taking the kids (can't forget the dogs) along with us. The only people who knew were his parents and my mom. Any who, I was getting ready for the last official day of school while Brook was in the nursery getting Gemma ready, Grayson was sitting in the bed playing with his toy cars already dressed. Brook and I had talked to the principal if it was okay to bring them in since we weren't really doing anything other than watch movies and he said that as long as they behaved that it was alright.

"Daddy we go wiff you and mommy?" Grayson asked looking up at me and I saw his head cocked to the side with his pacifier between his lips through the reflection of the mirror

"Yes, bubba, you and Gem get to come with us today, but you need to be a good boy or else we won't take you for ice cream after" I replied making him gasp

"I be good pwomise daddy" he exclaimed nodding his little head. I chuckled at his wide eyed expression

"I know bubba, Now come on, let's go see where mommy and Gems are" I said once I was done putting my Nike high tops on before walking over and holding my arms out for him. He grinned standing up and jumped into them placing his head on my shoulder. Just as I was walking out of our room, Brook was doing the same with Gemma in her car seat.

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