Chapter 14

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I don't think I've been this nervous in my whole life. Not even when I asked her to be my girlfriend 7 months ago. Just watching her laugh and joke around with her siblings made me realize that I want to witness these moments. I want to be the one who makes him laugh so loud that he snorts which makes him cover his mouth as a tint of pink covers his cheeks, make him smile big that it makes his hazel eyes shine like emeralds under the sun, be the one that wipes his tears away after a sad movie, comfort him when he feels down. Show him the way out of the darkness if he feels trapped with no way out. I want to be his knight in shining armor as he is my princess, the one who I fell in love with so many years ago.

Brook's been the most influential and caring, loving and over all perfect girlfriend I could have ask for and I hope that when it's time for to ask her an important question that she'd say yes because I can't see my life without him in it. She's made me a better person in the short amount of time we've been together but I knew, deep down I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Grow old with her. I want her by my side. She's my best friend, confidant, secret keeper, but most importantly the love of my life. The small black velvet box in my pocket felt a thousand times heavier but I knew it was nerves.

"She'll say yes, Jacob" Winnie whispered with an encouraging smile that I returned though by the look of her face it was more a grimace then anything

"Just try to calm down, you already know what you're going to say and I know Brook, I mean I'm. her twin, she'll say yes in a heart beat well she'd most likely bawl like a damn baby and blabber and nod her head. Remember the cue word, Jacob, don't want you messing up" she stated and I nodded

"You'll say 'Grayson did you like meeting all those characters?'and that's when I'll walk up to Brook and get down on one knee and ask her" I replied and she nodded. We've been walking around the theme park for hours. Grayson upon waking up at 7 this morning demanded we come here at once, but after a few coaxing words from myself, we had breakfast and then we showered and changed and by then it was around 9 in the morning and we were only just finished watching Beauty and the Beast on ice which was pretty cool to say the least.

Now, 3 in the afternoon, it was time to head back to the hotel as Grayson was already half way to falling asleep on Derek's arms. The whole damn day, the box has been burning in my pocket for me to just do it. Just get it over with but I just pushed those urges down and enjoyed the trip to Disney World. Fingering the box in my pocket, I watched as Brook joked with her brother and parents who were all smiling at whatever it was she said.

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