Chapter 18

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Their song ^

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The venue was packed with all types of celebrities from singers to actors to UFC fighters and WWE fighters and lets not forget the fans that were invited, some were also involved with raising money for the victims of the earthquake which is another reason why Brook invited them to join us tonight.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" Rachel greeted the audience once Brook and I had entered the room. She was still upset with the comment made earlier

"Thank you all for coming out here tonight to join my son and his fiancé in this important event" she went to say and the guests clapped their hands

"As many has heard about the reason behind this event, I would like you to welcome Brook and Jacob up here to talk to you a little a bit more about the event" Rachel said and we handed the kids to Mickey and Vic before heading to the stadium where we were greeted with a warm smile from Rachel and loud claps from our guests

"Hi, everyone" Brook greeted into the mic

"Thank you all for coming out here tonight to join us in raising awareness to what is happening down in Ecuador" I added with a smile

"Let me tell you the reason behind my decision in starting this charity event, a few months ago, Ecuador, a small country in South America was hit by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 resulting in many buildings such as hotels , homes, business and stores to collapse killing hundreds of people, many are still missing and there are more then 7 thousand injured. They have lost everything from food, water, clothes, and a place to live. As of now, they are in dire need of medicine, food, water, clothes, anything that you can give" Brook stated and we had a power point showing the damage done to the small country and how people are living in cramped areas all around the capital.

Children have been found buried under the ruble and were safely back with their parents while others had to still be found. The chances of finding more survivors is slim as the number has gone up to 150 missing.

"Ecuador, a beautiful country is now destroyed due to the earthquake. The death toll has gone up to 654 and the president has declared a national mourning. It saddens me to hear about this tragedy because a few years ago, my family and I had gone there for a vacation and I had fallen in love with their culture and language. It's one of the world's most amazing tourist attractions but now its destroyed. I ask you to help me get the word out and show people who have been more fascinated about what is going on in the life of the rich and famous to see what is happening out there in the world," Brook said as tears filled her eyes as she talked to the crowd who looked just as devastated as we were

"Let me tell you a little about Ecuador" I said and all eyes were on me as I showed them the images of how it used to be. I had found a video of Brook when he was younger and in Ecuador.

'Hi guys, so as many as you know tomorrow is my parents 30th wedding anniversary so we had all pitched in, my sister, brother and myself, and we were surprising them. They don't know that this trip is for them they just thought that we wanted to visit South America, but shh don't tell them, it's a secret' she said into the camera making everyone chuckle and she went to talk more before the camera was shut of only to turn back on when they had landed in the airport

'So it's a little past 4 in the morning and we are all exhausted from the flight so we are now heading to the hotel in Guayaquil which is known to having the best tourist attractions from monumental buildings to malls and tomorrow we begin our exploration of the beautiful country' she said before yet again turning off only to return a few minutes later with Brook filming her siblings and parents walking down the streets talking about how cool it was .

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