Chapter 23

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Graduation Day. In less then 4 hours Jacob and I will be set free from the hell hole we call school and on our way to start a new chapter in our lives outside those four walls. Yeah there are going to be moments where I'm going to think back to all my epic moments during high school. From freshman year when I signed up for the cheer team and came out to the school as intersex and had Grayson. Sophomore year when I began writing songs and began my then unrequited love and crush on Jacob, the school's bad boy. Junior year when I got pregnant with Gemma at a party my twin sister insisted we attend.

A week later of Jacob telling me he's been in love with me for years and asking me to be his girlfriend. And now Senior year. A lot more happened this year then the other ones. One I got engaged, mine and Jacob's albums were number 1 in over 87 countries, we began talking about touring and where it'll start and then last but not least Jacob almost getting killed at Prom and Emma going to jail for attempted murder.

Thinking back to my life before I wouldn't change it for anything in the world because one little change can alter everything. Sighing, I looked in the mirror and debated which outfit to wear for graduation. It was between a cute white flower lace and knee high dress with black heels and a strapless white top with a gold belt in the middle with black pants and nude heels.

"You still haven't picked out an outfit?" A voice said from the door way and I looked over to see my sister leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest and a brow raised. I pouted shaking my head

"I need to look extra cut today because its the last official day of school and they need to remember me. Like I'm the queen bitches" I huffed making her roll her eyes and walk in. She shook her head at the outfits on the bed before rummaging through my closet.

(Brook and Winter's outfit)

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(Brook and Winter's outfit)

"We are twins and we are twinning the last day of school so you're wearing this" she said as she took out a dress, the top being a multicolor zigzag of pink, blue and white while the shirt part of the dress was pink and black open toed heels.

"There, my dress is the same style but mine's light blue with the top being black, white and red with black closed off heels. But we both have the same rings so we're wearing those." She stated and I nodded in approve

"Actually I had forgotten I had this dress" I commented making her chuckle

"I don't doubt it. You had to put away all of your pre-baby clothes away to make room for the maternity ones" she simply said and I nodded

"True" I replied. I wonder if Vic and Mickey will be here today, since they were due around this time.

"Think that Vic and Mickey will be there?" Winnie asked my unspoken question

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