Chapter 2

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Jacob ^

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The next two weeks went by quicker than I expected and when Friday rolled around I couldn't be happier, it meant I get to go to London for the weekend to see my besties, Little Mix, perform. I haven't seen them in months. I know Sophia and Dannie are going to be there and I can't wait to see those two beautiful girls. Grinning at my accomplishment of packing two days before our flight to London.

I am impressed with myself since I'm always packing and unpacking my things the day before or the day of a trip, my siblings and parents tend to get mad at me because of it. Oops. With that all set, I walked out of my room and downstairs to the living room where my brother and dad were watching football and my sister along with my mother were reading a book across the room.

Rolling my eyes I made a bee line to the kitchen to make myself a PB&J sandwich before going back to my family to play on my phone while I munch on my sandwich.

"Are you all packed Brook?" Mom asked looking up at me once I entered and planted my bum by her feet

"Yup" I replied popping the 'p'

"How many did you pack this time?" Dad asked

"4 plus my carrying on and purse" I answered

"Are you planning on staying there for a holiday or something?" Vic asked with a raised brow

"Maybe" I replied with a shrug

"Are you excited?" Winnie asked with a grin from across the room

"Heck yes, I get to see my babies" I gushed making them shake their heads with a chuckle.

"We're only going for a week, Brook. I already called your school to let them know that you and Winter will be out of school until the following Monday." Dad said and we nodded

"I won't be able to stay long, I got a called about a possible match in Chicago" Vic said

"As long as you're with us for a few days, then that's fine big brother" I said and he smiled.

"Who are you fighting against?" Winnie asked, Vic was a pro-UFC fighter with a total of 10 wins and 2 loses and is a heavy weight champ. Vic was a tall guy with bulging muscles, dark brown hair, gray blue eyes and a killer smile that he got from our dad.

Our dad was tall man with light brown hair and gray-blue eyes with a killer smile, while our mother was a small petite woman with blond curly hair and green eyes that Winnie and I inherited ,she was a tough cookie with a sassy attitude.

"Is Mickey coming with you?" I asked referring to his girlfriend of 4 years, she's a gorgeous brunette with golden brown eyes with a petite body and huge boobs and a killer smile and amazing tattoos.

"Yeah, she'll be here tomorrow to go with you two to the mall and get your hair and nails done" Vic said

"Yay, can't wait" my twin and I squealed with big grins making him roll his eyes

"Yay, can't wait" my twin and I squealed with big grins making him roll his eyes

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