Chapter 25

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The following days leading up to our families coming out to Italy were filled with great adventures. We visited the most beautiful buildings and it was one of the greatest experiences in my life. I was never one of those people to like historical places but Verona was an incredible place to visit. A week later our parents came down from LA and we all went out to Il Cenacolo for lunch when they arrived since it was 6 in the afternoon here.

We made small talk about how everything was going back in the states and when Vic and Mickey will arrive with the twins. Winter and Rachel both chastised Brook when she told them about her first reaction to flying here and she looked miserable for being told that it was the wrong thing to say and that I had good intentions, but I intervened when they began saying some things that I didn't quite like such as 'You should be thankful he would do something like this for you' or 'had he been my boyfriend or in your case fiancé I would've never reacted like you did, Brook, what is wrong with you'

"Do you really want to make her feel like shit?" I asked both woman, while Mom just sat back with a look or surprise much like Tory.

"She's been beating herself up for the past week about what she said and you come here and tell her how she was dumb or that she shouldn't have acted like that, but I understand her. I understand that she has her reasons on to do what she did and I'm not holding it against her. I would've reacted the same way had the roles been reserved. I didn't expect something like this from the women that claim they love her. If you did, you wouldn't make a big deal out of this" I had snapped at them, before standing up and picking Grayson up and Brook did the same making our parents and sisters frown

"Where are you going?" Mom had asked and I shrugged

"Somewhere where Brook isn't being attacked by her mother and sister" I had said and they shook their heads before telling us to sit down and apologized to Brook for what they had said. Other then that small inconvenience, the rest of our day was spent with us taking them to all the places we've gone to the past few days.

Vic and Mickey arrived three days later with the twins and their three dogs and we once again went out to eat a late dinner but we didn't bring up the events from the last two days or Brook's reaction to being surprised because I wasn't in the mood to listen to another barraging from Vic let alone Mickey, who by the way is one sassy chick, instead we just talked about all the places we've visited and what places we're going to see before we had to go on tour.

On July 19th, 2017, I had taken Brook and Winter out of the house so that our parents and their brother could decorate the house for the party. Little did they know that it wasn't going to be just us, but also the one direction guys, the little mix ladies, and Selena Gomez were also coming in from London, Ireland and from Chicago.

"So where exactly are we going?" Winter asked as I drove into town, it would take them at least an hour and a half to set up and the others should be arriving soon.

"Just walk around, am I not allowed to indulge my fiancé and her sister to a nice evening walk in town?" I questioned with a raised brow making both roll their eyes

"Oh, can we go to see Juliet's house" Brook asked as she looked at a tourist attraction sheet and I nodded, making her smile and so we set of to see Juliet's house. The house said to be Juliet's house is in a courtyard off Via Capello. You can see the balcony and the bronze statue of Juliet for free. The 13th century house is a good example of Gothic architecture and inside is a museum with period furniture.

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