Chapter 11

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Song Brook sang ^


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Becoming a parent changes your whole perspective on life. It shows you the true meaning of unconditional love, the urge to protect and keep them safe brings the good and the bad out you in different moments. I never thought that having a son or a daughter would make a person change so much. I knew that the moment that I got with Brook that my life would change and it did but there never is a day that goes by that I don't regret my decision in being with her.

Brook has brought the best in me in the small amount of time we've been together and I can't remember a day that I don't think back to how my life was before she came into my life. It's been exactly 6 months since Brook told me that she was expecting my child and the same amount of time since we've been together.

Its crazy to think that just 6 months ago, our lives were on different panels of the universe and now here we were, raising a soon to be three year old and in less then 3 months our daughter would be here to grace us with her beauty that she no doubt will take from her mother.

I've been working on a new track for my 'Reborn' album that will be released in three weeks. It's already on the top 100 billboard charts with my 'Better than I used to be' and 'Summer Sixteen' that were pre-released when they pre-ordered the album.

There may or may not be a collaboration song in the album with Brook but you got wait for the album to come out so you can hear it. Brook wanted to go to the studio today saying that she had a song stuck in her head since last week and that it was urgent for her to get it on paper, I helped her with the song and now she wanted to record it so we headed to the studio where Cam and Marcus were already waiting for us with shit loads of toys for Grayson to play so he won't get bored.

 Brook wanted to go to the studio today saying that she had a song stuck in her head since last week and that it was urgent for her to get it on paper, I helped her with the song and now she wanted to record it so we headed to the studio where Cam...

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"Hi Gray" Cam greeted the boy perched on my hip with his pacifier in his mouth, he cocked his head to the side then gave a small wave. Twitter was full of articles about Grayson and how adorable he was and that he was one of the most stylist toddlers in Hollywood. And that it was cute that we tend to match outfits every other day whenever we go out, be it to the grocery store or to the park so he can play for a bit with kids his age or even get ice cream. Today was no different.

Grayson and I wore white t-shirts, blue jeans and timberland shoes while Brook wore a white tank top that showed her protruding baby bump, maternity jeans and timberland heels with her hair up in a messy bun. As soon as the paps had seen us arriving at the studio they began firing question after question while taking multiple pictures and I did my best to keep Grayson from being exposed.

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