This Song

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sorry if this chapter sucks but I uploaded it to the app and was about to edit it when I noticed that there was nothing to edit. So I attempted to rewrite it but I know it's not gonna be as good as I originally had. I still hope you like it! Oh and the video at the top is the actual song. So you can listen to it if ya don't already know it 😊


Link then decided it was a good idea to take Kate home. He opened the door to the passengers side, let her get in, and then closed the door behind her. She thanked him and then he got in and started to drive.

The car ride was silent so Link decided to put the radio on. Once he found a station he liked he put the volume up. It happened to be a country station and the song was almost over. There was silence for about 5 seconds, then an ad, then a song came on and Link just started to laugh as soon as the artist started singing. "This guy sounds familiar" Kate said to Link. Then shortly Link joined in. But Kate noticed that he was only singing at certain points in the song. Then her jaw dropped as soon as she realized who was singing the song. "No way! This can't be! Link?!?!"

Link was too busy singing along to his own song to hear Kate. Once the song was over Kate smacked Link on the arm playfully. "That was you and Rhett wasn't it?" She then said. "Yep!" Link happily replied. "What was the name of that song?" Kate asked. "'This song'. That's literally the name of the song. It's such a stupid song. It's 11 years old. We thought it would be funny to write a song like that. So we did but I never figured it would be on the radio. But we were young and we thought it would be funny so we did it" Link said.

"Wow. Well it definitely was funny" Kate said and laughed. By the time they were done with their conversation Link had pulled up in front of Kate's house and it was time to say goodbye (for now). He then gave her one last kiss and then she got out. Before she closed the door she winked and said "text me" and Link nodded and she smiled. She then closed the door and walked into her house with a stupid grin on her face.

Fate (Rhett and Link fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant