Chapter One: Beginning of Part One

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Hi everyone x I miss writing about Harry Potter and have decided to write yet another story. This one will take place from Order of the Phoenix to Deathly Hallows.

I'm using Irish Names: Caoimhe has a variety of different pronounciations but I'm using 'Key-Vuh' for this one & Bronagh (Bro-nah)

Disclaimer: Hogwarts and any characters you recognize are the creation of JK Rowling!

Update December 16, 2014: I have began editing this story since there were several little errors and minor details missing!

Update June 16, 2016: Once again, I have decided to edit this story in hopes of making it even better!

Chapter One: The Not-So Pleasant Memories of Hogwarts

Three years down and four more to go. I can do it. I managed to survive these past three years so far, four more probably wouldn't kill me. Hogwarts and I have a love-hate relationship. Some of my best memories were made here, but so were my worst. It was not always that way. When I began here at Hogwarts I felt as if I was sitting upon a throne. Yet now I sat alone on the Hogwart's Express, feeling invisible and useless to the rest of the world. But I guess it was better to feel entirely alone than hated, right?

My first year was more than what I imagined it would be. At the time it was just mother and I. My father Lorcan wasn't in my life. Apparently after he and my mother Bronagh divorced, he took off wanting nothing to do with my half-brother and I. Colm was his son, not my mothers. I had no idea who his mother was. Yet my mother always treated him like a son even though he never treated her like a mother. He was cold and heartless to her, blaming her for all of his problems. He was six years older than me, so I don't remember him much. At the end of his fourth year, he didn't return home. He went off to search for our father apparently. We alerted the Ministry and everything but they never found him. Mother and I haven't seen him since.

My family members were all in Slytherin, so it was interesting when I was placed in Ravenclaw at the ceremony. The hat did take a moment to decide between the two, but in the end it was Ravenclaw. At first I was a bit hesitant to tell my mother but when I did she was ecstatic. It was almost as if she was relieved in a way. She never spoke much about her time at Hogwarts. Only one time she told me she made a lot of mistakes and had a lifetime of regrets from her experience at school. To me, she was the kindest person on the planet. With her soft blonde curls and pale eyes, she looked sweet and harmless. On the contrary, anytime we went to Diagon Alley a lot of witches and wizards acted strangely around her. They looked either angry or fearful. I never understood why.

Ravenclaw suited me well. I adjusted very quickly. My mother always told me the two most important things to have at the end of Hogwarts were true friends and good grades. At first I had both, now I had one. I was the head of my class, not that anyone even seemed to realize. Popularity seemed important to most students and it was once important to me. The studious part came easy. Memorizing facts, spells, and potions were a breeze for me, much easier than performing them.

During my first year I made many friends. I didn't realize that I was actually popular until after I lost all of those friends. I started Hogwarts with my best friend and neighbor Maeve. We lived in the same little Irish town. Our homes were very close and we would always play together on the fields. She was put in Slytherin, but we still remained best friends the entire year. Now Maeve was a completely different person...or maybe that was me. As much as I loved my first year, some weird things began happening and the school was almost shut down. Students were being petrified. The Chamber of Secrets had been opened and at the end of the year a girl from my year, Ginny Weasley, was taken captive. Just as the school was about to be closed she was saved by her brother Ron and the famous Harry Potter. Even with everything that had happened it still managed to be the best year of my life and I was sad to return home that summer. Merlin, did I take my home life forgranted.

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