Chapter Five

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Hi everyone, thanks for all your comments!  I hope you like this next chapter, another one I had fun writing! 

Chapter Five: Luxurious Guilt

I never imagined myself traveling, especially not to this many places. Draco and I have been 'hiding' from the Death Eaters for over a month now. We started off in France, ended up in Spain, managed to travel to Italy, Greece, and Monaco. These places were beautiful beyond belief. We were staying in amazing hotels, eating at amazing restaurants, and visiting beautiful sights. I never wanted it to end. Suddenly all the bad in life went away and I didn't have anything to worry about. Draco and I got along better than ever, of course with our own sarcastic touch. We were officially together and it happened in Monaco.

"Come on," Draco said grabbing my wrist.

"No way," I said shaking my head. Monte Carlo, Monaco had to be the prettiest place I have ever been in my life. The city was right along the bright aqua blue ocean. Draco wanted us to go on a muggle yacht that day. I was surprised he even thought of going on it, considering he was or used to be against everything muggle. Living amongst the muggles didn't change his idea of them, but he was getting used to their strange 'technologies'. We were joking and saying technology was muggle's form of magic.

I liked their 'televisions' and 'telephones'. I didn't mind their vehicles, but I hated muggle trains. It definitely wasn't the Hogwarts express. It wasn't smooth and the people sometimes scared me, especially at night. So there was no way I was going on a boat. The little enchanted boats that brought us to Hogwarts our first years were nothing. But these muggle boats, without magic, were expected to float? It was the size of a house! And was going to have over a hundred people on board. Draco came back to our room with more 'borrowed' surprises. I don't even know where he got them and frankly didn't want to know. The dress he got for me was gorgeous. It was simple silver one that was probably way more expensive than it looked. He said we were going to a party.

I didn't think we'd be going to a party on a yacht. "Come on," he said again with a smirk not letting go of my arm. "I got us these clothes and everything." He motioned to the suit he was wearing. "I overheard that this party was going to have royals. We have to go."

"Not on that thing!" I said motioning towards the yacht. "I can't go on doesn't look remotely safe."

"Well clearly muggles have survived all these years on big ships," he said. 


"Muggle movie," Draco said as a smile cracked on his face. The other night we watched the terrifying muggle film called 'Titanic'. At first it looked like they were having a great time, but no. It  did end great. The ship crashed and nearly everyone died. I suddenly had an intense fear of boats.

"Based on a true event!" I pointed out shaking my head. What made the film even worse what that at the end it said that it was based on a true story. He was dragging me onto the dock as a crowd of people were watching us. "Let's just go to a nice club or restaurant instead."

"No we're going on the boat," he said as we got in line. "I got us our tickets." He pulled them out and winked. Again, I didn't even want to know how he got them.

"What if it sinks," I asked nervously.

"Then I promise to let you have the driftwood...even though they clearly could have both fit on it..." Draco said shaking his head. I rolled my eyes. This wasn't the time for jokes. "We're not going to sink. I promise." I suppose I couldn't fear everything, the only way to face it was to actually go onto the boat.

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