Chapter Three

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 Chapter Three: Potions in the Past

Classes began the next day and my schedule was jam packed. First I had Defense Against the Dark Arts and then immediately after I had Advanced Potions. I was going to be the only fifth year in Advanced Potions considering Snape bumped me up to fifth year potions last year. Even though I didn't take the O.W.L.'s last year, Snape signed off on a form allowing me to continue to the next level. Both classes would be interesting, since they were being taught by a new Professor.

I arrived early to Defense Against the Dark Arts and saw that we were sharing with the Gryffindors. "Caoimhe over here," I heard Ginny call and I went to sit with her in one of the middle rows. "Can you believe who our Professor is?" she whispered.

"I know such a shocker," I answered back. It definitely was shocking, but I wasn't upset about it. Ginny wasn't a fan of Snape so I left it at that. I personally couldn't wait to hear what he had to say about the subject.

Right before class began Snape entered into the room, closing the door behind him. He stepped up to the front of the class and had a sort of glow about him. He's always wanted to teach this. He must be thrilled now. I really hope the trend didn't continue with the Defense Against the Dark Art's professors disappearing. "No need to take out your books," Snape said turning around and facing us all. "At the end of this year you will be taking your O.W.L.s and I promise you, this will be the hardest you will ever have to work if you want to continue onto N.E.W.T. level."

A lot of students in the room looked frightened at that comment. I imagine everyone's already stressing out about their O.W.L.'s. I knew I was. Snape then carried on with defining Defense Against the Dark Art's for us and it was clear how passionate he was. He spoke about it differently than any other professor had. I'm shocked that Dumbledore hadn't hired him as professor all along. Then he even began to show us pictures of people who had suffered attacks from the Cruciatus Curse, the Dementor's Kiss, and even an Inferious.

A Gryffindor boy in the front raised his hand, "What's an Inferious sir?" he asked. Snape looked around the room.

"Can anyone tell me about Inferi," he said looking around the room. His eyes landed on me before I could even raise my hand. "Miss Riley."

"Yes sir," I said right away. "Inferi are dead bodies that are brought back by a witch or wizard to serve them. They can't think for themselves and are hard to destroy. Inferi were used in the First Wizarding War." Snape nodded. The class looked a little horrified at my description of Inferi.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw," he said.  A girl from Gryffindor raised her hand in the front and he nodded at her.

"Sir, if they were using Inferi in the First Wizarding War, do-do you think they're using them now?" she asked sounding frightened.

"The Dark Lord has used them in the past yes, which means we can all assume he is likely to be using them again," Snape answered. At least he got straight to the point.

For the rest of the class we began to practice nonverbal spells. Ginny, Luna, Colin, and I already knew how to perform defensive nonverbal spells thanks to Harry. We got to pair up with someone, so Ginny and I went together. From across the room I saw Colin Creevey nonverbally defend a spell from another Gryffindor boy, but Snape ignored it. Then when Luna did the same, he gave her five points to Ravenclaw. Snape really did not like the Gryffindors. When class ended I said goodbye and thanked Snape as always before leaving the class. "You're lucky Snape doesn't hate you," Ginny added as we walked the hall with Luna.

"Well I always answered his questions my first year," I said with a shrug.

"Anyway where are you off too?" she asked me.

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