Chapter One: Beginning of Part Two

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Back for part two. I'm so happy people have been enjoying this story. I hope you like part two just as much! Anyway, this is a very long starting chapter but hopefully you'll like it! Make sure to let me know what you think in the end x

 Chapter One: Life with the Weasley's

The past few months have been a major adjustment for me. I went from basically living alone to living with other people. Life at the Weasley's now was probably very different than it was a few summers ago for them. The only people still in the house were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Ginny, Bill, Fleur, and I. A few years ago it must have been absolutely crazy with all of the kids living in the house. It still was a lot more upbeat here than it was living with Colm. Charlie and Percy moved out to go do other things. Fred and George were living in Diagon Alley with their new shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. They visited all the time so it felt like they basically lived here.

Mrs. Weasley let me stay in Charlie's old room. It was smaller than my old one but much cozier. Thining of Colm made me remember that I haven't heard from him since last Christmas break. When I got off the train he wasn't there, thankfully, and I went straight to the Weasley's. If he did truly care about me, very deep down, it was smart of him not to contact me. Then there was my father who I was trying to stay hidden from, but I haven't heard anything about him either.

I helped out as much as I could around the house. Things were different though. Ever since the truth about the Dark Lord returning has come out, everything changed. No one went out as much. According to Fred and George Diagon Alley had practically become a ghost town which was making it hard for business. 

Things were even changing in the muggle world. There had already been attacks and a bridge collapsing. It was strange how much everything could change so quickly. I pulled myself out of bed to get ready for breakfast when I saw that the Daily Prophet had arrived. An owl dropped it off on my window every morning. I liked to see what was going on, usually there was a new story every day. Opening the window I pulled it inside, and what do you know, Draco Malfoy's cold face was on the cover.

Great. I had been trying to forget about him this summer after what happened last year. Draco kept appearing in the paper. This time, it showed his mother and him turning away from camera's. There was an article written up about Lucius Malfoy. As much as I hated to think about it, I felt bad for Draco. He must be seeing this as well and it probably brings back bad memories for him. Lucius Malfoy was sent to Azkaban for life. It was likely Draco would never see his father again. That would be tough.

Slowly I got dressed and ready to go downstairs. Ginny and I became a lot closer this summer, for the first time I felt like I finally had a best friend. Ginny couldn't stand Fleur. She kept referring to her as 'phlegm'. I didn't see what was so bad about her. She seemed nice enough to me. Her and Bill were engaged and very in love. I wondered if I would ever find anymore like that. If Ron still liked me, he was doing a very good job at hiding it. There was no sign of him having any romantic interest in me anymore. He was just being a normal friend and I loved it. He tried to teach me how to fly a few times, but I kept failing very miserably. I told him he should try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

When I got to the bottom of the spiral staircase everyone was around but doing their own thing. "Caoimhe dear there's pancakes on the counter if you'd like some," Mrs. Weasley called to me as she passed into the next room.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley," I responded walking over. I was starving. I grabbed a plate and sat down. Ron came in through the door holding a letter.

"Hi," he greeted sitting down grabbing food as well. "Just got a letter from Hermione. Her parents are letting her come here a few weeks before we go back to Hogwarts." 

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