Chapter Six: Part One

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This is going to be an extra long chapter so I had to split it into two parts! x Otherwise it would have been very long

Chapter Six: Part One: Christmas Break

When we arrived back to Colm's manor, it was obvious his friends had already been moved in. From the few hallways and rooms we passed through, you would never know he had working house elves. Their mess was probably too much for them to keep up with. When we got into the main living room I spotted Colm's  nasty friend lying on our couch with her feet hanging over the back.  "There you are babe," she said jumping up and kissing him quickly. So she was officially his girlfriend.

"Zara," he greeted her. I rolled my eyes. I'm sure she wasn't any better than the others girls he brought around. Her heavily makeup covered eyes snapped to me.

"You're back already?" she asked.

"For a week," I muttered. "Don't get too excited." Zara gave me a dark look as I passed by her. Nicolai and Mason both sarcastically called for me to come back but I kept walking. As I walked the dark and dank hallways my only thought was that this had to be haunted. I always felt as if something was watching me and I am not even talking about the creepy old portraits. If it was haunted, that would explain how Colm could afford it. The hallways were narrow and the stairs were steep. There was minimal lighting. Christmas was in a few days but I felt like we were about to host a Halloween party.

My room was small and at the end of a long corridor. It was fine for the time being and at least I had a nice view. The window was small but one benefit to living with Colm was the ocean. It made me feel less trapped. I dropped my trunk down on floor and sat back down on my bed while admiring the snow falling from outside the window.

When I awoke the next morning it was the day of Christmas Eve. I was sure Colm had no plans or preparation for the holiday. I probably would take a walk around the ocean and maybe even write to my new friends. I sat up in my bed and a gold package caught my eye. It was sitting outside my window with a card attatched to it. Leaning over and opening up the window, I pulled the package inside. I made sure to open the card first.

Caoimhe, you're probably wondering why we weren't on the train. It's a long story, but my father was rushed to St. Mungo's. So Hermione, Harry, and my siblings left to go see him. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas! See you soon, Ron.

A wide smile appeared on my face. Someone had written to me. How sweet of Ron to even think of me. I opened the package and it was filled with Christmas themed candies, cookies, and even a cupcake. I made sure to write back right away, wishing him a Happy Christmas and hoping his father was alright. I also thanked him for thinking of me. That alone made my day. I sent the letter as quickly as I could. 

Putting the package aside, I dressed in a much better mood than I woke up in. Since I would most likely be hanging around the house I settled for a pair of black leggings and thin grey sweater. I walked down stairs. No sign of a Christmas tree, gift, or decoration anywhere. No that I expected anything. At least there was a nice breakfast on the table, courtesy of the House Elves that was. I took a seat at the end of the table far away from the others. "Aw babe I saved you a seat," Nicolai said flashing his bright green eyes at me with a smirk.

Colm rolled his eyes annoyed but didn't say anything. I just gave Nicolai a dry look and turned back to my breakfast. It was rather adorable, the House Elves made the pancakes shaped like Christmas trees with red and green sprinkles. At least they seemed to be in the spirit. They were never around much though. "What are you doing today?" I asked Colm hesitantly. I wanted to know what his plans were just in case I had to avoid them some how.

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