Chapter Eight

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Sorry it's such a short chapter! I was hoping for it to be longer, but the next one will be!

Chapter Eight: End of the Road

Draco wasn't well for a few days. I was lucky enough to get to him when I did, just before the curse really took over. It was such a powerful one. He was laying down on the couch in our hotel room which made me wish I had ingredients to make a stronger remedy. I was in no rush to get moving anywhere else until he felt a hundred percent better. I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed. "Draco we have to get that book to the Weasleys," I told him. "But not until you feel better of course."

"Again," he muttered sarcastically. "You're not dragging me into another week at the Weasley's are you? I think I'd rather get hit with 'sectumsempra' again."

"No don't worry," I added with a laugh. "We'll drop it off and the leave, okay? You can stay in the cab while we do."

"Alright let's get this over with then," he said pulling himself up.

"Wait no, we don't have to do it today. If you're not feeling well-"

"I'm fine," he said shaking his head. He did look a lot better than before. I nodded and we prepared for our quick trip. Draco packed up the few things he had laying around. I looked at the book one last time.

I probably shouldn't have even opened it in the first place, but I couldn't resist. There were so many fascinating and unknown spells, yet very dark ones. I could see why they didn't want this falling into the Death Eater's hands. I memorized as many as I could. Although I wanted to copy them down. I knew it was a bad idea considering I could lose the parchment. I memorized ones that I felt would be helpful in defense, but never knew what I would actually have to use them. If anything, I was most excited to give them the book. For once I was helpful and discovered something they needed. Any little thing I could do at this point, I would. Of course I would have to assure them it was Draco who helped me as well. 

Once Draco was ready to leave, the two of us left our room. We went downstairs and exited through the main door onto the street. We always tried to keep our heads down in these situations. We didn't want to stand out, just in case a Death Eater happened to be in the area. We were in London, close to the entrance of Diagon Alley and the Ministry. "Let's get a cab," Draco said. I nodded and we stopped on the side of the street. I turned to my right to see a small shop, it was freezing out and I was extremely thirsty. 

"I'm just going to grab coffee for the ride. Want anything?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No thanks. Alright, I'll wait here but be quick," he said. I went inside to see that thankfully the line wasn't too long. After ten minutes of waiting and getting my coffee, I turned to walk back outside when I caught Draco looking at me funny. 

'What?' I mouthed to him confused. He shook his head at me and his eyes widened with fear. 

'Don't move' he mouthed back. Curious, I looked around him but didn't see anything. Casually I slid down at a booth but kept my eyes on him. There was a magazine in front of me I held up in front of my face. I watched as Draco grabbed a newspaper near him. While taking a pen out of his pocket, he wrote something and then tossed it on the bench. What was going on?

Then it hit me. Two men dressed in all black were approaching Draco. Death Eaters. I gasped but kept the newspaper held up. I couldn't believe it, I wanted to run and jump to his defense but I knew I couldn't with all of these muggles around. Watching in horror, Draco spoke with them calmly. He probably had to come up with something really creative on the spot. I couldn't believe it. Then he left with them, just like that. Draco was gone and I was alone. Horrified I ran out onto the street once I knew it was clear and picked up the newspaper. 

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