Chapter Two

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Thanks for all the reviews and reads so far :) I made sure to get to the second chapter as quick as I could. Also, I would like to mention that TheGirlBehindtheCamera & Artemis100 are helping with my ideas for this story! So thanks to both of them

Chapter Two: Meeting the Famous Harry Potter

The train had taken off and we were on our way to Hogwarts. I couldn't believe Harry Potter was sitting in my compartment. I mean, he had been here all these years but I had never met him in person. I grew up hearing all about him. He was a celebrity in the Wizarding world.  "You're in Ravenclaw right?" Ginny said turning to me. "We're in the same year." I was surprised she even knew that.

"Yes, I'm a Ravenclaw," I added with a nod.

"Wait you're the one whose top of the class?" she asked. 

"That's me," I replied with a smile.

"Our friend Hermione is top of the class in our year," Neville said turning to me. "You should meet her, I'm sure you'd get along great." I had heard much about Hermione Granger and often saw her at the library. "Wouldn't they Harry?"

Harry Potter turned to face me and looked at me with those green eyes. "If you like going to class as much as she does I'm sure you would," Harry said. I smiled back. Harry then turned to look over at Luna, who was holding her magazine upside down. She looked very...into it. Harry, Ginny, and Neville all looked a bit confused as well. I was used to her strange actions. They didn't seem as if they knew Luna too well. I wondered how they all ended up trying to find seats together.

Almost an hour passed. Luna continued with her magazine, the Quibber, I knew her father was the editor. Neville was talking a lot about plants, I knew about everything he was telling us but I nodded and tried to seem interested. I was taking another Herbology class this year and read the text book over the summer, it wasn't like I had much else to do at home. Neville and Ginny went to go track down the snack cart and Luna was deeply into the Quibbler. It was suddently silent.

I turned to Harry. "So," I said in hopes of not having an awkward silence in the air. "Who do you think our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be there year?" I asked him with a quick smile. Every year it was a different teacher, you never knew who it would be. 

"Honestly, I have absolutely no idea," he said with a laugh. Last year Professor Moody was our teacher, but it was actually Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise. It's scary to think almost anyone could be an imposter these days. "I wish Professor Lupin would come back, he was the best so far."

"He was definitely my favorite," I agreed with a smile. "Most people liked Professor Lockhart, if you could even call him a professor." Harry laughed. "I practically taught myself that year." The girls were all over Professor Lockhart when he taught my first year. Lupin by far was the best, we actually learned defensive spells. Moody/Crouch was an interesting teacher, better than Lockhart since we learned material, but it was dark magic we learned from him.

"Yeah, Lockhart wasn't much help," Harry agreed with a smile. "At least you didn't have to deal with Professor Quirrell-" Just then the door opened once more and in stepped Ron Weasley and Hermione Ganger. 

"There you are," Hermione said looking at Harry. "We have been looking all over for you." I noticed the large 'P' pins on their vest. No wonder Harry was so upset, Hermione and Ron were picked to be prefects and he wasn't. I wasn't shocked about Hermione, but it was strange to think Ron was prefect. I've overheard a few Professor's saying he didn't have the best of grades. I wonder why it wasn't Harry.

Ron and Hermione took Neville and Ginny's seats. "Who are they?" Ron said loudly motioning towards Luna and I. At least Ron smiled over at me.

"Ronald," Hermione scolded. "Don't be rude!" Luna didn't seem to notice and I simply smiled. "I'm sorry for him," Hermione said facing me. "I'm Hermione Granger and this is Ron Weasley." Ron simply said hello.

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