Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: The Mysterious Room 

Winter break was a week away and I was anxious to have our first meeting. I kept the coin close to me at all times. I wasn't too excited for break, I mean, I usually just remained here in the castle but this break I was going home. I didn't want to go home by all means, but I had too. Stupidly, I forgot about half of the books I wanted to read at home and Colm was a git who wouldn't send them to me even though I owled him ten times. Unfortunately, I would be going home to retrieve them. Everyone else was leaving for break, so I suppose it wasn't too big of a deal that I wouldn't be staying here. Either way I'd be alone.

On the plus side, I would be away from wretched Umbridge. She moved me to the back of the classroom when she changed seats and never answered any of my questions. She couldn't prove me wrong for my answers on the exams, but never gave me any points for extra credit. At least I wasn't being treated like Harry was. The other day I was walking with Ron and he was telling me about how awful class was and that Umbridge spent the entire class torturing Harry. And finally I would no longer be partners with Draco Malfoy. I ran into Maeve the other day and let's just say it was an interesting encounter.

"Riley," she called and I turned to see her with a few friends by her side. She was a typical coward, she would never approach anyone without back up. 

"Yes?" I asked annoyed.

"How do you know Malfoy?" she snapped. Often when Draco made fun of me, she was around. I wouldn't really call that us 'knowing' each other. It was more like he teased me and I responded with sarcastic comments.

"Why do you care?" I asked her with a shrug. It wasn't like he was giving me flowers or compliments. I could sense her jealously. 

"Answer my questions, why does he know your name?"

"We're partners in class," I simply stated turning and walking away. I caught Maeve's eyes widen as she followed me down the hall. 

"Why are you in class with him? I'm not even in class with him and I'm a Slytherin!"

"Well it definitely wasn't by choice," I added smartly. I would never have chosen to be in class with Draco and if she believed that, then she really wasn't too bright. "Am I sensing jealousy?" I asked her with a laugh.

"Please," she scoffed while sharply stepping in front of me. "All I'm going to say is stay away from Draco." She glared and then rushed off with her friends. Did that really just happen?

"Oh I would if I could," I muttered to myself while rolling my eyes and walking off.

As I was lying in my bed that night, reading one of my books for the third time, the coin in my pocket began to burn. My eyes lit up, I looked over at Luna the same time she looked at me. We both smiled widely, it was time. The first lesson was beginning. It was late though, curfew was in about twenty minutes. The two of us stood up. "Where are you two going?" Georgia asked while looking up from her text book.

"For a walk," I said simply and then Luna and I rushed out of there. The two of us were so excited we were walking faster than usual. When we reached the left corridor on the seventh floor, Colin Creevey was standing at one of the corners. 

"I'm the lookout," he said smiling happily. He was a huge Harry fan, he was more excited about this than anyone. "Head over to Hermione." Luna and I nodded and turned the corner. We saw Hermione standing there by a door...a door I had never seen before. This wasn't here yesterday! I purposely walked around to see where there could possibly be a space to practice. Then it hit me.

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