Chapter Three

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Very short chapter, sorry! So busy lately, but I'm going try to write as much as I can today! x Hope you all had a good Halloween!

Chapter Three: On the Run

I couldn't believe Draco was standing right in front of me, just a few days after I left him at Malfoy Manor. "Well don't be too excited," he said coolly, but the look on my face couldn't go away. "When Colm told me what the Death Eaters were planning about crashing the wedding, we remembered you were just sent there so we had to find a way to get you out. He would sneak away, again, to get you out of there. And of course someone needed to explain it all to you, hence why I'm here."

"This is all happening to quickly," I said shaking my head and leaning against the brick wall.

"I know," he replied.

"Aren't you going to get into trouble?" I asked him. "If they find you?"

"Well the goal is to not be found," Draco responded with a smirk. "You can't be out here on your own, now can you?"

"Where do they even think you are?" I continued.

"With Blaise in Australia," Draco replied shrugging. "My mother agreed that it was a good idea because I would be safer away from all of this. Then they think I'm going back to Hogwarts with him." Blaise's mother had nothing to do with the Death Eaters. I suppose that was the perfect cover.

"You're not going back to Hogwarts?" I asked confused.

"Of course not!" he answered. "They'll just have to find out when the time comes. I'll think of something. We have a while until then, for now let's get moving." He turned the corner and looked around. "We need to find somewhere to stay. Colm said you know this city well?"

"Yeah I used to come here a lot with my mother," I said to him looking around. It brought back so many memories. I wonder what my mother thought of everything that has been happening. Merlin, did I miss her.

Draco stepped in front of me and motioned to the path. "Then lead the way," he said and I nodded breaking my train of thought. "I couldn't get much muggle money on such short notice so we need to be careful with how we spend it."

"Hotels can be pretty expensive last minute," I said looking around not even knowing where to begin. "I know where we can find a few small ones."

"Well if we want to save money, then I was thinking we could find an unoccupied house," Draco whispered casually as we walked down the street.

"Like break in to someones house?" I said and he quickly told me to quiet down. 

"Yeah like find a house that looks like someone isn't home," he answered. "Then we can leave right after. It should be easy right? It's not like we're going to steal anything!" I shrugged. It did seem like our best option.

"It's going to take us a while to find an empty house," I answered. "But let's get looking then."

Finding an empty house was extremely hard. We left the downtown area and searched on side streets. Dublin was such a busy city, we didn't want to look to suspicious. Plus, I wasn't old enough to use magic outside of school. First we looked for houses that looked empty, lights off and no movement from inside. A few houses we spotted had neighbours outside, who would have seen us entering the house and figure out we were up to something. It was getting diffuclt.

Finally after two hours we came to a more spacious side street with less activity on it. "That one looks empty," Draco said pointing to a small house and I agreed. We got closer to see the family name was on the door, Dunne. 

"Well theres one way to test it out," I said. "Hide behind that car." Draco looked at me curiously, but at least he did what I said. I went to approach the door, but turned to walk up the neighbours steps and knocked on the door.

"What are you doing?" Draco called to me. Ignoring him I knocked on the door once again. Once it opened, an old lady was standing there.

"Can I help you dear?" she asked.

"Yes, I was just wondering if you knew when the Dunne's would be back in town?" I asked as casually as I could. I noticed there were a few toys in the front yard so I went along with it. "When I was babysitting the other night I left my book there. I don't need it back right away, I was just wondering when to check back."

"They left this morning for a wedding up North," the lady answered. "I'm sure they'll be back within the week."

"Thank you," I said to her smiling. I turned and walked away as she shut the door, going behind the car to meet Draco. "Let's just wait an hour to come back, so it doesn't look suspicious, but yes the muggles are out of town." He nodded.

"Sometimes I forget how clever you are," Draco said to me smirking as we walked off. 

After an hour of wandering around, Draco and I returned to the house through the back entrance. Draco was afraid to use magic, just in case his parents or the Death Eaters were tracking him. Basically, magic wasn't an option for us. Draco surprisingly knew how to pick locks, said he was always interesed in things his father was hiding when he was a kid. Once we got in, we didn't turn any lights on and stayed away from any windows.

There was still food left. Although it was stealing, they had multiple boxes of pasta and we couldn't resist making one. As Draco and I sat on the couch in complete darkness I just had to ask. "Why did you really come?" I asked him. "Is it because you feel guilty?" Was he was only doing this to makeup for what he did at the end of last year?

"No," Draco replied quickly. "Well...maybe. I don't know. So what if I am?" It got silent.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him, he knew what I was talking about.

"I had to," he replied. "I didn't have a choice. He would have killed me." Draco stated not looking at me. "I didn't do it though," he pointed out and I nodded. I suppose his life was being threatened, maybe he really didn't have a choice. Of course he could have always went to a Professor, but considering Snape was involved with the Death Eaters that would have been risking it. I left it at that, not wanting to annoy him with anymore questions.

"Isn't it weird not going back to Hogwarts," Draco said after a few minutes.

"I know. I can't believe I'm not going back to school..." I said sighing. The past five years of my life had been dedicated to getting good grades and being top of my class. Now I had to throw that all away. Someone else would replace me as top this year. I only hoped I could catch up after this is all over. It wasn't like I decided on my own to skip school, if I went back Lorcan would know where to find me. They would kill me for escaping. "It's sad."

"Sad?" Draco said smirking at me. "You're the first person whose 'sad' not to be going back to school. I didn't want to go back anyway," he replied.

"I'm not talking about classes," I added. "I mean it's sad not being at Hogwarts. I'll miss my dorm and my friends. I spent most of my life living there, not going back is going to be strange."

"Then again we don't really have a choice," he pointed out.

"You do," I added with a tinge of jealously. Draco could easily walk away from me right now, go to Hogwarts, and be fine all year. 

"Alright fine, I have a choice and I chose not to go," he said standing up. "Now I haven't slept in twenty four hours, so I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." He got up and went up the stairs to go look for a room.

I wasn't tired. I was too awake from thinking about everything that was happening. I lied on the couch for a while. We couldn't watch the muggle television once it got dark out because it would show through the cutrains. Even though Draco didn't admit it, I knew he was somewhat fascinated by the muggle television because he kept asking me questions about it. The only reason I knew how to work one was because of Hermione. I simply layed on the couch, surrounded by my many thoughts.

Short chapter. Sorry, next one will hopefully be longer. Let me know what you think!

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