Chapter Seven

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Just wanted to add a quick note here that I'm trying to be realistic & since Caoimhe just became friends with the trio & Ginny, they're not going to tell her everything such as the Harry and Voldemort connection. Just if you were wondering.

Chapter Seven: Secrets and More Secrets

I could not wait to get back to Hogwarts. When I woke up the next morning, all of Colm's friends were gone and the house was spotless as if it never even happened. I told Colm I could get to the train by myself, so he simply said 'goodbye' to me. The second I got there I looked around for any of my friends. "Riley," came the voice of Draco Malfoy as he approached me. I knew he would have a ton of questions for me. "What happened the other-"

"Caoimhe there you are," Ron said walking up to me with a wide smile. He eyed Draco and then looked back at me."Good holiday with your aunt in Sweden?" Draco's face lit up in a wide smirk when I turned and looked at him. He knew I didn't go to Sweden. I only prayed he would keep his mouth shut. "What are you waiting for Malfoy?" Ron sneered.

"Yeah Sweden was brilliant," I said quickly not breaking eye contact with Draco. 

"Oh nothing," Draco said with an amused expression. He looked at me once more with a smug smile and slowly walked off. 

"Strange git," Ron muttered as he walked off. "Be careful of him," Ron warned. "His father is a Death Eater, Harry saw him when, you know, Cedric was killed." Hermione had actually mentioned that to me a while ago, when she caught Draco teasing me in the hallway. She said the same thing, to be careful of him. "Anyway, we have a compartment if you want to sit with us." I followed Ron back to the compartment and prayed that Draco didn't make any surprise 'visits'. That would be difficult to explain. Everyone was in the compartment that rode with us on the way to Hogwarts this year. 

They didn't say much about their break either, just that it was quiet and simple. I found that surprising, but then again they had a hectic start to their break with Mr. Weasley going to the hospital. I thanked Ron again for the treats. Harry seemed distracted and somewhat angry. His break probably didn't go too well. There were even more Daily Prophet articles about him over break. Poor Harry.

Classes had resumed the following day. It was easy to get right back into school zone for me. I was heading off to class early and was the only one in the hall until, with my luck, Draco Malfoy was walking my way. "Just the person I wanted to see," he said when he saw me. He got closer and came to a stop. "Why did you lie to Weasley?"

"I'm not in the mood right now," I said trying to walk around him. He stepped in front of me again.

"Why did you lie to Weasley?" he repeated. I didn't say anything. "If you want, I will go ask him." Just what I was afraid of, and I wouldn't put it past Draco to do it.

"Fine," I groaned. "Yes I lied, happy? I just didn't want him to know that I was staying with my brother and his friends." Draco looked at me curiously.

"Yeah those guys did seem a bit weird," Draco agreed. He paused and looked at me once more. "You lie a lot." I know, it was becoming a bad habbit of mine that I didn't need him pointing out. "Why were you staying with them anyway?" I hated talking about my personal life, but Draco already knew I was lying about everything. 

"Because my brother is my guardian," I said as I passed him. Draco already knew enough, if he was going to tell people he already would have. For some reason, I felt like I could almost trust him not to tell anyone. What else would he have to hold against me?

The week passed on like any other week yet there were a few surprises. Rita Skeeter actually wrote a nice article about Harry and how she believes that the Dark Lord had returned. Luna's father also published one as well in the Quibbler. But not long after, all newspapers and magazines were banned from Hogwarts. No surprise there. Umbridge was becoming a complete dictator. We had a few more lessons with Dumbledore's Army and began learning new charms. Ron was usually my partner in class since he always asked me to pair up with him. Hermione and I continued studying together for her O.W.L.'s. At least Draco stopped asking me questions, sort of, he mainly went back to teasing me. One of the things he kept bringing up was that he was wrong about Potter being my boyfriend and how he hadn't realized it was Weasley all along. Ron was just my friend, so I shook it off. The next week Trelawney was fired from being a Professor here. 

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