Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Similarities

Everything finally seemed to be going right in my life. Ron began dating Lavender Brown, who was obnoxious and I really just couldn't stand the girl, but at least he was happy. Hermione of course was jealous at first of them, but she's mananging very well to keep her feelings inside. She's focusing on her Apparation exam and studying for her classes. Harry has been meeting with Dumbledore a lot, so it kept him from following Draco around as much.

Then there was Cathal and I. Finally I had a boyfriend and after all this time it was worth the wait, because I can't imagine dating anyone better. He was so sweet and easy going. Despite him always being busy with Head Boy tasks, he somehow made time for me. We went to Hogsmeade together just the two of us to have lunch and look at books. He would always sit with me at dinner and then would go to the library with me after to help me study for the O.W.L.s. Everything was perfect.

There was one week left until Christmas break and I would be going back to the Weasley's. I didn't want to hang around here. Cathal was interning at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for most of it. Hermione was going on vacation with her parents, so it was Harry and I who were going with the Weasleys. After dinner tonight, Cathal walked me to the library but he couldn't stay because of a meeting with the Heads of Houses. I left late and, of course, I ran into Draco. It was almost after curfew and he was nowhere near the Slytherin common room. "What are you doing up here?" I asked him.

He literally looked like I gave him a heart attack. When he looked up his eyes looked tired and there were bags under his eyes. Was he even a bit skinnier? "Bloody hell Riley," he snapped. "Way to sneak up on me."

"I wasn't. I was standing right in front of you," I answered staring at his tiresome appearance. "So why are you here?" I asked again confused. I know he was a prefect and all, but normally he stayed around the dugeons this late at night.

"Does that really matter?" he spat.

"No I guess not," I said rolling my eyes and went to pass him. He was acting so strangely lately, better to just ignore him. I managed to pass him just before he thought of something else to say.

"Heard about your boyfriend," he called and I turned around.

"Now does that really matter?" I mocked while smirking at him. He was also so intrusive in other people's businss but whenever anyone asked questions about him, he snapped.

"How typical," he spat walking closer to me. "Perfect Head Boy dating the girl whose top of her class. How boring can you two get?" I rolled my eyes not responding to him. "Doesn't it bother you that you're practically dating yourself in guy form?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked him confused.

"You two are the same bloody person. It's rather weird if you ask me."

"Well good thing I didn't ask you. Plus, why wouldn't I want to date someone with similar interest?" I pointed out. It's a good thing to have someone you see eye to eye with. There's no room for arguing really.

"Haven't you heard opposites attract?" he said stepping forward with a smirk. I gave him a dry look, he had to be absolutely kidding. Not only did he stop talking to me, he became an even bigger jerk. He hated me a few minutes ago and now he liked me? Draco took another step but I took a step back. "Don't you miss how things were last year?" 

"That was a mistake," I stated stepping back.

"I know you don't mean that," he said coolly and proceeded to step forward once more. Why was he doing this? Draco was by far one of the most complicated people I have ever met in my life. I'd never understand him. He looked at me with those grey eyes.

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