Chapter Six

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Quick chapters, hopefully will be completed within he next week! Let me know your thoughts! x

Chapter Six: Back To Reality

"Where do you exactly plan on going?" Draco added in an annoyed tone. He has been in a bad mood since we left the hotel. We had finally arrived back in London. I knew where we were heading, but I wasn't going to tell Draco. I watched as the muggle driver drove down the familiar streets.

Draco has been overly cautious since we arrived back in the UK, but I suppose it was a good thing since we were supposed to be in hiding. "Caoimhe, where are we going?" he repeated this time showing more annoyance in his voice.

"I'm not sure yet..." I lied with a shrug.

"No, you know where we're going. You look like you know the area," he sneered, still unhappy about my decision to return. 

"Um, yeah I guess it looks a little bit familiar," I answered reluctantly as I looked around. We were almost there.

"Where are we going?" he snapped.

"Take a right here sir," I said and Draco gave me an annoyed look. The driver took a sharp right. Draco quickly pressed against the window. I watched his face drop.

"No way!" he yelled. "No bloody way! Let me out!" Draco looked at me in complete fury as the driver stopped the car at the end of the long driveway. The farm animals were rushing around and as I stepped out, I had never felt so safe in my life. "This must be the Weasley's, are you bloody serious?!" I opened Draco's door for him and he wasn't moving. He finally unbuckled and stood up.

All the memories flushed back to me when I saw the Burrow, as if I had never left in the first place. Those vacations didn't compare to here where all my friends were, well, not at the moment. I took in a deep breath and prayed that when I stepped through those doors, I would only receive good news. "Caoimhe are you listening to me?" Draco yelled, breaking my train of thoughts. I handed the driver the muggle cash.

"Yes I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I said quickly. "If I did you wouldn't have came. But this place is charmed so we will be safe-"

"First, I don't want to be here! I hate them and they hate me. Second, it didn't stop the Death Eaters from getting through at the wedding!" I could tell that he was really angry, but knew this was for the best.

"Yeah, well it's probably much more enchanted now," I answered looking around. "Come on, you'll be fine."

"Absolutely not," he said. "I'm leaving." He turned and started walking back down the road.

"Draco!" I called going after him. "Draco, you can't just leave!"

"Yes I can," he answered. "They're not after me and if they find me alone I can just make something up." It was true. It was me they were after. He would only be in trouble if they found him with me. Other than that, he was safe in this world.

"Please don't go," I called. "I don't want you to." Draco stopped and just looked over his shoulder. "I promise we won't be here long. I just wanted to see how everyone is. After that, they can tell us somewhere else to stay." Draco didn't say anything, he didn't turn around. "It won't be long. I just need to see them." He didn't say anything. We stood there in silence for a moment.

"Fine," he muttered. "Not long, or I'm leaving."

He finally turned around and walked beside me to the door. I felt bad for dragging him into this, but where else would we have gone? When we finally arrived at the door, I took a deep breath and knocked. I hoped only for good news. I heard footsteps approaching the door. Draco took a step back but I reached out and grabbed his hand. There was no way he could leave now. The latch on the front door opened and I saw a pair of bright blue eyes that went from fear to shock. The latch was shut and the door was swung open, I was pulled into a tight embrace.

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