Chapter Three

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In this next chapter I will be skipping around quite a bit x Just wanted to let you know in case it gets confusing. Thanks for reading!

Also: I just want to point out again that TheGirlBehindACamera & Artemis100 have really thought of some great ideas for this story, so you should go check out their stories!

Chapter Three: My Potions Partner

When I got back to the common room that day, people were gossiping with their old friends and lounging around on the sofas. Usually I just went straight up my dorm. I still needed to finish unpacking and getting myself settled back into dorm life. At least I got the bed I wanted. I preferred one off to the side so I wasn't in the middle of people. As I passed by a group of sixth years I overheard their conversation. "Did you see Harry Potter," one said with a smug laugh. "Honestly, I can't believe he actually thinks You-Know-Who has returned, it's completely mad!"

"My parents say he and Dumbledore have gone mad," another added with a laugh.

"Well he hasn't," I snapped quickly without thinking. Damn! Why did I keep doing that? I used to be able to keep my snappy comments inside my head, but apparently that was no longer possible. They all turned and looked at me as if I was the mad one. Awkwardly, I looked around the room in fear of the sudden silence. Luna was standing behind me, she smiled at me as if to say she was with me on this one.

"Are you saying you actually believe Potter?" the boy asked with raised eye brows and an amused look. I looked back at Luna and then at the boy.

"Yes," I said. "I do."

"Well then clearly you're not as smart as the professor's think you are," the brunette girl said rolling her eyes.

"I believe him as well," Luna said standing next to me.

"Well no surprise there," the boy said turning and laughing with his friends. "We saw your fathers article's in that absurd magazine of his." Luna's face darkened, a strange look on her. "But you," he said motioning to me. "Now that's surprising." The students in my house only knew me for having good grades. I would bet they didn't even know my name. "Do you have a little crush on Potter or something?"

"What? No," I stammered quickly while shaking my head. I wasn't the only one who believe in Harry! Were they insinuating that everyone who believed him had a crush on him? "Come on Luna," I said turning and walking away with her. Poor Harry. I assumed it would only be the Slytherin's who didn't believe him, but there seemed to be a lot more students against him this year.

A week's worth of classes went by. It was easy for me to get back into the school mode, especially after reading all of my books beforehand. "Done already?" Snape said while appearing at my side. I was back in Potions and glad to be. It was one of my favorite classes and because of that I often read books on the subject outside of class. The potion Snape assigned for class today was one I knew a lot about and had practiced outside of class. We weren't allowed to use magical spells in the Ministry guidelines, but there was nothing against potions. I was able to complete the assignment in about ten minutes despite this class being an hour long.

"Yes Professor," I responded while looking at my potion. Snape eyed it to make sure it was correct.

"Are you bored in this class Ms. Riley?" Snape asked me in a dry tone. Where did he get that impression? I hope I didn't seem rude or pouty in class.

"No sir," I replied right away while shaking my head. "Potions is the only interesting class I've taken this week," I admitted truthfully and Snape smirked.

"What I mean is, with my approval you can transfer into fifth year Potions," he offered. Transfer up to fifth year Potions? That means I would still get full credit for taking fourth year Potions while also taking fifth year Potions. Then I could easily get into Advanced Potions before O.W.L.'s.

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