Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Joining an Army

I slammed the book down on the library table which gained me a few looks from surrounding students. Alright, so I was rather paranoid about my O.W.L.s next year. I know most students in my year weren't even thinking about them yet, but I sure was. Hermione was taking them this year and she promised to give me tips, but I was a perfectionist. I wanted it all to go perfectly and I wanted to be well prepared. But thanks to damn Umbridge, I did not feel that way. I could only imagine how Hermione is feeling about her exam. Today was one of the days Hermione asked me to study with her, she looked up at me at the sound of the slam. "Sorry," I said, hoping I didn't distract her. "It's are we going to perform these spells? If it's our first time doing them in front of the examiner then it's going to be a weak attempt."

"I know," Hermione agreed annoyed. She was shaking her head. At least I had next year, and hopefully a new professor if the trend continued.

"I just wish there was somewhere we could practice them without Umbridge finding out," I muttered while looking back down in my book. I considered practicing them in my secret spot, but I didn't want to risk anyone discovering it, especially Umbridge.

"Caoimhe, that's brilliant!" she whispered. I looked up and could tell she was forming an idea. I don't remember suggesting anything, and besides there was no where in the castle we could practice in without the risk of a teacher finding us. "I'm going to go talk to Harry!" she said while getting her books together and taking off.

"Am I missing something?" I said to myself rather confused as she rushed off.

I managed to last another week of potions with Draco. Finally there was snow on the ground, which meant Christmas break was nearing and Draco would no longer be my partner. All he wanted to do was argue with me. It was beyond annoying, we fought over instructions and ingredients. It began getting so bad that he was bringing it outside the classroom. Honestly, I was getting more attention this year than I did in my first...but not in the good way.

As I was walking back from Divinations, I had to pass by the Great Hall in order to get to my next class. Unfortunately I spotted Draco and his friends all gathered around sitting on the stairs being their usual immature selves. Of course Maeve was seated near them. It was no secret she followed the older boys around. When she spotted me she glared but didn't say anything. Draco though, just had to say something of course. "Look who it is," he said standing up and walking closer to me. "Hogwart's own nerd, Riley." I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

If I ignored him, maybe he would stop? Sadly no, that was not how Draco worked. "Where are you rushing off to? Afternoon date with Potter?" he added. Everyone behind him snickered. Harry and I of course were definitely not dating, but it wasn't like he was a bad person. So why did Draco think that would bother me?

"Why, would you like to join us?" I replied smartly. Draco gave me that annoyed look. He hated when I went with his jokes, it was like he wanted to see me freak out at him or something. I learned to go with it because in the end it was he who got annoyed. 

"So you admit you're dating Potter, I knew it!" he replied smartly with a smirk.

"No but if you really want us to be dating, I can go ask him?" I replied with a proud smirk. His face fell into annoyance and he turned around. I laughed to myself as I walked away. It was really funny messing with Draco Malfoy.

I was sitting in the Great Hall for dinner across from Luna. My plate was nearly cleared. As dinner was ending I noticed Hermione was approaching our table. "Are you two going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" she asked in a quiet tone.

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