Chapter Eleven

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Long chapter ahead. Hope you like it!

Chapter Eleven: One Last Gathering

From the minute I felt the coin burn I had rushed right out of my dorm. There was no way there could be another meeting after Umbridge discovering our secret group, it must have been something important. As I rushed down the hall, while being as sly as I could, I managed to make it to our old meeting place without getting caught. There I spotted Ginny, Neville, and Luna. "What's going on?" I asked immediately as I arrived. Ginny greeted me with a dry look, but the others smiled. Guess she was still a little mad at me for 'leading Ron on'.

"Well I think this is it," Ginny said looking around sadly. "We're the only ones to show up." There were only four of us here, there were twenty four members in Dumbledore's Army. "Anyways," Ginny said turning to answer my question. "We don't have much time." Ginny looked around at the three of us. "Harry needs us to be lookouts. Hermione and Ron are already with him, there is something going on and he needed to break into Umbridge's office." Neville and I shared a wide eyed expression. Was Harry trying to get himself expelled?

Ginny caught our expressions. "I know it's dangerous, but he really needs us. It's important," she continued. Either way I was staying to help him. 

"I'm in," Luna said as Neville and I agreed as well. 

"So we all know where Umbridge's office is located right?" Ginny asked as we nodded. "Hermione and Ron are closest to the doors. I'll take the East wing, Neville take the South, Caoimhe you take the West, and Luna take the North wing." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Be careful though, I'm sure Umbridge has her bloody 'Inquisitorial Squad' on the loose." Ginny rolled her eyes. They did patrol the castle every night after curfew. "If any of them find you, just squeeze your coin as tightly as you can. It will heat up and let us all know to be more cautious." 

Ginny walked over to me as Neville and Luna were thinking of spells to use against the Inquisitorial Squad in case they found us. "About earlier, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just Ron is my brother," she said.

"It's fine," I said to her with a quick smile. She nodded back. 

We split up from there, heading to our stations. With my luck it would be Draco who finds me. At least I could almost easily talk my way out of that. I wasn't too nervous of running into one of them, it was Umbridge I was worried about. As I stood in the hallway I looked around, it was dead silent. Students rarely left their common rooms. There was a doorway I was hiding in, so that if anyone happened to walk by there was a chance they wouldn't seem me. I leant up against the wall and listened.

Nothing seemed to be going on, until I heard footsteps coming. I backed up against the wall and ducked back as far as I could. When I heard the foot steps pass my little hiding spot I relaxed. That was a close one. I stepped out slowly to see who it was. From the very end of the hall I saw a tiny little first year girl carrying books. It wasn't even an Inquisitorial member. I sighed, the girl was probably heading to the library. She turned the corner and I stepped back to hide. "Expelliarmus!" came a dark voice and I was thrown forward away from my wand. The coin rolled from my hand.

I hit the ground, slamming onto the cold stone floor. Pushing myself up off the ground, I turned over my left shoulder to see Goyle standing there holding my wand in his other hand. He had a proud smirk on his face. Thinking quickly, I had to get to the coin to let the others know. I didn't have my wand, but I could still run. I sprung up from the floor and sprinted down the hall where the coin landed. "Locomotor mortis!" came Goyle's deep voice again. 

My legs locked up and I fell once more. Damn it, and Draco once told me Goyle wasn't smart. Apparently Goyle knew more than he let on. I tried crawling to it but by then he caught up with me. "Trying to get away are we?" he asked with a laugh. He pulled me up to a standing position by one arm. He broke the spell because apparently he was talking me somewhere and I had to walk. He was talking me to Umbridge and I only prayed she wasn't in her office. 

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