Chapter Nine

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I really liked this part in the movie, so I am sticking with it for this! Hope you enjoy! 

Chapter Nine: Fireworks at Hogwarts

I was seriously slacking off with reading my mother's journal. It was killing me to know everything that had happened in her life, since I was never told any of it. With Umbridge as Headmistresses, classes became much harder. She some how convinced, probably threatened, the teachers to give us more work. Of course I needed to maintain good grades so I did everything I could to keep up with my work, even if it meant sleeping only four hours a night. By the time I was finished doing homework I would be too tired or hungry to read the journal. It definitely wasn't something I would risk reading in public because I knew Umbridge would confiscate it. 

Saturday came quickly and it was time to go to Hogsmeade with Ron. I really wanted to stay back and finish reading, but I already promised Ron. He was always so nice to me and remembered me on Christmas, I couldn't back out now. Surprisingly, Umbridge didn't cancel the Hogsmeade trip but she did warn us all to still obey school rules and that she would know what we were doing. Creepy. I dressed in a pair of jeans and my new long sleeve shirt while grabbing a jacket. Ron and I were meeting down in hall. When I got there he was just getting there as well. "Hi Caoimhe," he said. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," I said and nodded. We walked together down to Hogsmeade, talking about how we both missed the Dumbledore's Army meetings. I asked him how O.W.L. studying was going. He wasn't too nervous since he already knew he wouldn't do well. I laughed, it must be nice to not put any pressure on yourself. I should try that more often.

"How's your hand?" Ron asked looking down at my left hand which was covered in a glove. I removed the glove, to see that it was actually healing. It looked better than it did yesterday. "Wow," he said looking at my hand. "How did it heal so quickly?" Draco's potion must have been stronger than I thought. I researched that one, it was only supposed to relieve the pain, not remove the scar. I would have to ask him.

"I used a potion," I explained, leaving out the fact Draco was the one to give it to me. "It was just a test one to see if it had any effect, surprisingly it's better than I thought." I said admiring the faded scar on my left hand. "I'll get more and give it to everyone," I said with a smile.

Ron and I went to the Three Broomsticks to grab food. He was being much more polite than usual. Not that he wasn't polite, but he was acting different than he did around everyone else. About twenty minutes into our lunch, I was beginning to get the feeling that Ron may have a crush on me. Of course I could be wrong, I mean why would anyone have a crush on me

Plus, that would be rather awkward considering I didn't really feel that way about him. Ron was hilarious and sweet, but I only saw him as a friend. Hermione also liked him. I knew she did, I saw the way she looked at him. Despite my good grades, I knew nothing about relationships, but it was clear to me that Hermione liked Ron even if she didn't realize it herself. I didn't want to go and mess that all up.

From outside the window I saw Draco walking and laughing with his friends as they all proudly wore the Inquisitorial Squad pins. He had a large smirk on his face until he spotted me. His eyes went back and forth between Ron and I and a dark expression came across his face. I knew he didn't like Ron, but that was a pretty intense look. He turned his head and took off. I hadn't realized I was staring out the window. "Caoimhe are you alright?" Ron asked. 

"Of course," I said turning to him with a smile. After leaving the Three Broomsticks we headed back to Hogwarts. Umbridge shortened the time we had at Hogsmeade because of our detention. Ron kept wanting to talk about me and my life, but I changed the subject every time. We made it just in time for our next detention. Ron turned and looked at me.

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