Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Christmas Mission

Explaining my relation with Draco to Ginny was...complicated to say the least. She didn't understand, and even that was an understatement. There was a lot of cursing between her and Draco as I tried to explain the situation that we were currently in. Ginny hated Draco because he was in fact a Death Eater and he let the Death Eaters in last year. She blamed him for Dumbledore's death, even though it was Snape who did it in the end. Aside from those two big reasons, he was always horrible to her at school. Draco hated her as well, so this only made him want to leave faster. He walked out the door halfway through out conversation...but he only went to their pond, so he didn't go far. I was hoping he was just giving me empty threats and that he wouldn't leave.

It was hard telling this all to Ginny. I finally told her about Draco and I. She was angry at first and she sarcastically asked if I was under a spell. I told her about how we had been traveling, and how I sort of liked him in school but I did not go over that in detail...Baby steps. Ginny was more than surprised, even a little angry when I brought that up, but eventually she got it. "I don't agree with it, but it's your life and you'll do what you want," she said. 

Then I had to go talk to Draco. He wanted to leave so badly, but Christmas was in two days. I begged him to stay, saying it would be terrible to be on the run at Christmas. I can't imagine how Harry, Ron, and Hermione were handling it. "Please it's all I want for Christmas. You don't even have to get me a gift," I joked. He rolled his eyes, but couldn't hold back his smirk.

"Two days?" he repeated.

"Yes, we can leave Christmas night," I said nodding with a hopeful look. "You can hold me to it."

"Whatever then, fine." I hugged him tightly in excitement that he agreed to stay while kissing him on the lips, and was glad to see he kissed me back as he put his hands around my waist.

"Disgusting," I heard someone snap and turned to see Ginny with a look of distaste. Draco smirked at her look. "I told you that I get you making your own decisions and all...but make those decisions in private." She she shook her head and took off.

"Sorry Ginny," I called back with a tone of laughter. She kept walking.

Christmas Eve was lovely. Draco was in a better mood but still kept his distance from the Weasley's. They had a lot of guests, so he mainly stayed in his room. Bill and Fleur came to visit, unhappy to see Draco of course but they were a little more accepting than most. Charlie came and I was glad to meet him finally. Fred and George were there of course and were constantly teasing me about my boyfriend. On Christmas day, the crowd got even bigger as the Weasley's was one of the safest place to be.

It wasn't the same Christmas we knew. I caught Mrs. Weasley crying a few times, since Ron wasn't there. Everyone seemed to be pretending to be cheerful, while I knew everyone was worried about the people they loved who were off in the wizarding world. I myself was very worried for all those at Hogwarts, and mainly for Harry, Ron, and Hermione. It was the afternoon, I knew Draco was excited to get out of here but I had no idea where we would go. Lupin arrived with Tonks. "Caoimhe what a pleasant surprise," he said. "Everyone has been so worried, they hadn't told us you would be here." That meant they didn't know Draco was here. I suppose it was best he stayed up in the room considering members of the Order were arriving and wouldn't be too pleased to see him.

"Yes I was just hiding, but I felt guilty considering my friends are probably being much more productive than I am," I admitted. He nodded understanding.

"Well it's good to see you." He nodded once more before walking off.

Ginny and I sat in the living room. Fred and George were kind enough to give us a few of their newer products as Christmas gift. We were testing them all out. Yet I couldn't help but overhear Lupin and Shacklebolt's conversation with Arthur Weasley in the next room. "Ah yes the book is called Inevitable Enchantments. It's full of rare and very dark spell, spells unknown to us all. If they get the book well..." Arthur trailed off and suddenly my interest was caught. Ginny turned her head as well.

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