Chapter Four

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Thanks for reading! I'll keep writing as quick as I can, sometimes I get stuck and it takes me days to get my chapter ready! I liked the part between Ron & Ginny in the book haha so I had to add it in! Hope you enjoy x

Chapter Four: Jealousy

As I arrived to Potions that day I went straight over to my seat. Slughorn had us remain in the same seats for at least a few classes so that he could learn everyone's name. Everyone was arriving around the same time. Draco walked over to his seat looking miserable, dropped his bag, and sat down while resting his head on his hand. He didn't look over at me, he just stared at the table. "You okay?" I asked after a while. I knew he probably wasn't going to answer me. He raised his eyes up at me.

"Fine," he muttered back. Slughorn came around and gave us our assignments. We got to select a potion from a list and make it. Of course Harry would have the best potion, but I was hoping to at least have the second. Draco wasn't even putting much effort into his potion, he was just tossing things into. He caught me looking. "What?" he snapped.

"Nothing," I replied rolling my eyes at his tone.

"I don't actually care about the potion if that's what you were wondering," he replied coldly. "We all know Potter's going to somehow have the best potion. It's all about the favorites in this class," he added darkly. "Wasting my time." Draco was ranting, which meant something else was on his mind. "Why do you even bother anyways?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you bother trying when you know he isn't going to treat you like he treats them." He nodded his head over towards Harry and Hermione. 

"Because if my potions perfect then he'll at least give me a good grade." I wasn't here to become a teacher's favorite, although it usually was a plus. I was here to learn potion recipes, correctly brew them, and get the best grade I can. 

After that Draco stopped speaking to me but kept tossing random ingredients into his potion making it very sloppy. I had to wait a minute for my potion to cool before I could continue with it, looking up I spotted Cathal from the far corner of the room. He looked over at the same time, smiling his bright eyes over at me and waved before turning back down to his potion. I waved back with a smile. Draco looked up, looked over at Cathal, and then back at me. "Oh please," he muttered rolling his eyes.

"What?" I snapped.

"You and the Head Boy now?" Draco said looking at me with a cold expression, "Plus he's a seventh year."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said shaking my head and going back to working on my potion. 

After class I went to go find Ginny, but saw her walking hand in hand with Dean. Lately she and Dean have been inseparable. I was truly happy for her though, it was nice to see her happy. Yet I couldn't deny I was beginning to feel jealous. I always pushed the idea of having a real relationship away but seeing Ginny and Dean made me feel as if I was missing out on something. What Draco and I had last year was definitely not a relationship. I don't even know what to call that. Relationships were tricky. I could tell Hermione liked Ron, but it was completely oblivious to him. Ron had moved on from me clearly. Then there was Harry, who was actually very obviously making it known that he liked Ginny, but now Ginny was the only one who didn't seem to notice.

This year was passing by faster than any other. I was packed with schoolwork and barely had any room for free time. It was already Halloween and the castle was decked out in Halloween decorations which I loved. When I was studying, I usually met up with either Hermione or Cathal. Both were extremely helpful. I was trying my best in each class. Advanced potions was getting trickier, but I was managing to keep up. Since we had freedom to chose our own seats now, if I got there early enough I could sit with Harry, Ron, and Hermione or sometimes even Cathal.  Draco was coming to class later and later each time. I could see that from across each room he was trying less on each potion. What was wrong with him this year?

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