Chapter Thirteen: Finale

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Well this is the end. Thank you guys so much! When I started writing this one, it was a simple idea & was just for fun, I never imagined it would get this many reads! x So thank you for staying with it! I knew it was going to be fast paced, but I really hope you all enjoyed it! x

Chapter 13 Finale: All That is Well Ends Well

Once again, Hogwarts was filled with complete and utter joy. The Dark Lord was finally dead. Harry was standing in the middle and being surrounded by everyone. He looked tired and weak, but had a successful and relieved smile on his face. I knew Harry well and that he would want some time to himself after this, so I didn't rush over to him. I would wait until everything has calmed down to go over and talk to him. Surely after that, he left immediately with Ron and Hermione.

The Order finished cheering and then went back to getting everything together. Not long after, the gleefulness died down as everyone began to realize the lives that were lost. The Order was collecting bodies. Cathal had me sit down to regain some energy by Madame Pomfrey, as he went to help I watched the bodies being dragged into the room. My heart ached. Colin Creevey was the first I saw and my heart broke. He snuck back in to help Harry, and had been killed. The Wealseys were standing over by Fred. Molly held a look of despair. George was lost. Ginny was devastated, but I didn't want to crowd her. I knew how it felt to lose someone you love, she would need time to think before I rushed over telling her everything would be okay.

According to Cathal, Snape had died as well. And I was wrong about him. Harry informed the Order that all along Snape had been on our side, but was pretending to get information from Voldemort. He killed Dumbledore due to Dumbledore's own wish. I hated myself for thinking the worst of him after he had been my favorite teacher all along. Snape died a true hero.

Seeing the fallen Death Eater's bodies made me wonder if they had any regrets. Maybe like Draco they were forced on that side. Bellatrix had died trying to kill my best friend. She attempted to kill Ginny, but Mrs. Weasley ultimately brought Bellatrix to her end. Nicolai's body was carried in. To think I was the one who did that made me sick, but then again I had to listen to Draco and feel no remorse. What if he was the one who killed Colin or one of the other students? He would have killed me and then continued killing others. Nicolai deserved what he got.

The next body to be carried over to the pile was Lorcan. I wasn't even going to refer to him as a father, because he wasn't. I would never consider him my father. Lorcan was a heartless monster who was probably the reason half these students were dead. Again, to think I killed my own father was a horrifying thought. I had to think of it as killing a monster, a soulless murderer who deserved his end. Looking away, that the was the last I would ever see of him. I only hoped my mother, who was likely watching over me, would understand. Even though she once loved him, even she began seeing the monster he had become.

Standing up, I physically felt better but mentally felt ill being in the room as the bodies. Walking out of the castle for fresh air, the Order was standing around. They were bringing the remaining Death Eaters to Azkaban. Then a familiar face caught my eye. "Wait, not him!" I yelled running over. Colm was secured and in the grip of Shacklebolt. "Please not him sir, this is my brother. He has been helping me all along, he's saved me from the Death Eaters more times than I can count. Please." Shacklebolt looked at me a little uncertain. I knew everyone wanted all the Death Eaters to be locked up, but Colm was dragged into it, just as Draco was. "He's my only family left."

After all the heartbreak and tension of the day, there was room for some mercy. Shacklebolt nodded and released Colm who looked at me thankfully. "You're free for now. We will have to call in a hearing though," Shacklebolt said and Colm nodded.

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